
Should religion and politics mix ?

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Should religion and politics mix ?




  1. No.

    If they did which religion would you use?  All of them?  

  2. OH h**l NO.


    hmmm.... let's see....

    Roman Empire? It didn't fall exactly because of that, but it was a factor.

    that whole thing with Henry the Eighth creating a new church to marry Anne Boleyn? I seem to recall her getting her head cut off.

    There's a lot more, but I'm kind of too tired to list them all.

    the point is that Religion and Politics go together like a fat kid and spandex.

  3. of course it is.we dont leave the politics to atheists.we dont leave education to atheists .we dont leave media to atheists ?If evil has right to make politics,we have right to make politics,too.Life is the politic war between evil and the soldiers of Allah

  4. I'd say no

    unless in a religon it shows an outlet through politics

  5. In my opinion, no they should not. because then things really get messed up, and laws become irrational because some people don't believe in God, and some people do. Religion should always be separate from politics.

  6. No Way!!! remember dark ages?

  7. no but it does...why does it say in god we trust on your money..think about it

  8. No

  9. Religion and politics should be kept 100% separate.

  10. They shouldn't but how do you untangle spaghetti


  11. I think no matter what you try to do your religious views will shape your political view on the world.  

  12. No, but they do.  Nationally, an atheist or agnostic could never get elected, or appointed, to a high office.

    But I guess that we should be grateful that we don't live in an Islamic society.

  13. Never.

    Freedom of religion REQUIRES that politics keep its hands off; otherwise you have state-sponsored religions and state-banned religions.

    An orderly society DEMANDS that religion keep out of politics; otherwise you have claims of "higher law" that supercede common civil rights.  Don't forget that some religions condone slavery.  If a religion decide to push hard enough they could push for a vote to reinstate slavery.  They could claim that "God told them to kill that person" rather than letting civil authorities handle the matter.  They could claim that "God told them to not merely request, but DEMAND, that tithing would be enforced by law."  And there goes another 10% of everyone's salary.  For what?  If you don't follow the tenets of the religion taking the money, it is for NOTHING.

  14. no atheists should run things..  

  15. No they shouldnt. if religion and politics mixed then half the world would be dead by now.

  16. If the logic behind creationism (belief without evidence) was taught in law, what do you expect the consequnces would be? It would be like going back to the dark ages. One example could be like the witch burnings where there wasn't even enough evidence to convict someone, it was just based on belief.

  17. No, never.  Why is it that people constantly scream about how they'd hate to live in a theocracy like Saudi Arabia or Iran yet think it would be peachy keen to turn the US into a Christian theocracy?  How can they think it would be any better?  Have they forgotten that our ancestors came here to escape the mingling of church and state?  Did they get spoonfed so much revisionist history that they actually think the Founding Fathers wanted a theocracy?  

  18. No, not in the least.

  19. No, religion should stay away from politics.

  20. they do in the middle east.  now what do you think of the idea?

  21. NEVER

  22. Absolutely not!  Unfortunately the Bible fortells that a religio-political government will rule just before Christ's second coming.  They will also create a mandated 'day of rest' on Sundays in honor of the papacy.  If you watch political undercurrents, you'll see a lot of the NWO laws are already put in order!

  23. Absolutely NOT.  Religion and politics are a very dangerous combination.

  24. Yes, they should mix well...

    And then go straight to h**l, Together!


  25. No

    Unless it is my religion because for some reason it is special

  26. h**l to the mother****ing NO.

  27. Religion and politics often make some people lose all perspective and give way to ranting and raving and carrying on like emotional children. They either refuse to discuss it with reason or else they prefer argumentum ad homeinem, which is a h**l of a way to conduct a discussion. Well, anyhow, not long ago I was talking about the elections and how the campaigns were ignoring the issues and sticking instead to invective and personal c**p that had nothing to do with the substantive problems of running a government (which is all true as you know if you followed the speeches and so-called debates of the candidates). Anyhow, one of the guys I was talking with said not a word in the whole conversation except at the end when he suddenly chuckled and said we were all full of sh*t and why didn't we all go live in Russia or China if that was the way we all hated the United States of America! Next thing you know, the whole blooming discussion is more like a brawl and the epithets flew thick and fast and the noise was incredible! Someone said "son of a *****" and I think he said "b*****d!" (I couldn't be sure; it was all so confusing.) Well, anyhow, I was attempting to get it all back on a rational level. I tried, for example, to talk to the one who had started it all and I asked him just what did he mean we were all full of sh*t? Was he making a statement of fact as he knew it and where was his documentation to back up his claim? I think Socrates would have been proud of the way I refuted his argument. That is, I *tried* to refute it. But all he could offer by way of rebuttal was more of the same: about how we were all full of sh*t. But he wouldn't say why; he just kept on repeating it. That and the part about Russia and China and Communist dupes. And I'll have to confess that I got a bit angry and told him to stuff his ideas up his *** (which you don't have to tell me is hardly a way to convince anyone in an argument). Then he got salty and threatened to give me a punch in the mouth if I didn't shut up. And I really got hot and the others did, too. And we all beat the sh*t out of Mr. Conservative. And, after all, he had only himself to be blamed. This is still a free country and anyone telling a fellow like me "brother, you're full of sh*t" better be good and ready to answer politely when asked if he'd care to say WHY!  

  28. No never, if religion enters politics. than the political world enters a bizarre dictatorship we like to call a theocracy that stops serving the people.

    Then, all the really good ideas ( like peace and love) that religion Incorporated along with the bad ones (like burning young women at stakes) get taken out and turned into false ideals that no one cares about anymore and the religion ramps up it's brutality about a 1000%

  29. Not generally it can be a deadly combination, which has brought war, intolerance and division to many countries However if a religion is one of love and tolerance like the Quakers or the Unitarians, then it can serve as a moral and ethical basis for political activities.Regardless of one's  religious beliefs maintenance of the separation of Church and State is essential to a functioning democracy

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