
Should restaurants, cafes and TV food programmes etc set a trend for serving smaller portions?

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The large portions and plates surely go towards encouraging overeating and the health problems that follow.

When I watch TV I'm amazed at the size of the meals or portions served up. In 3 or 4 course meals I don't think I'd make it past some of the starters.




  1. There was a restaurant craze a few years ago for "Nouvelle Cuisines" where the food served on the plate tended to be minute quantities but very artfully plated to look pretty.  

    I think that went to extremes as you left the restaurant having paid exorbitant prices and you were still hungry!

    On a serious note, having owned a restaurant/pub in the past, we used to offer "smaller serving" as ladies in particular used to like that and many people feel put off by being served with a huge plateful.  On the flipside they are many people who would complain if they didn't get a huge plateful.

    Our local Carvery is a point in fact - you should see how much food people pile onto their plates as they can serve themselves at a standard price.  Sometimes it is obscene to see their plates, particularly bearing in mind that they could always go back for seconds instead.

  2. I agree with you also. I think it is primarily the TV chefs that need to lead the way as more and more people are now cutting costs, and are cooking at home.

    Just reading through the questions here I am constantly seeing references to them so people are clearly watching the shows.

    I think more education is needed on meal proportions and what is a recommended size so people are aware that a lb of mince, with onions, carrots, peas and potatoes will feed 3-4.

  3. The fast food places certainly seem to like to "super size", and alot of other restaurants also seem to cater to larger appetites. ...  But, when we lived in Southern California, there were quite a few "nouveau" restaurants there, where the servings were very small for each course, and just plated beautifully....  Sometimes, I'll just order an appetizer and small salad for dinner though:) - and, especially in summer, I usually get a chopped salad for dinner.  Mimi's offers a regular-sized one, and a "petite" size.......

  4. Here in the UK we don't have that problem, meals at restaurants and cafes tend to be on the stingy side, but when I was in the USA I couldn't believe how big portions were and how much some people ate and how much some people left on their plate to be thrown, what a waste!!!.  And don't get me started on the drinks, some of the big sizes were nothing short of a bucket.

  5. I personally do not feel this is necessary. It is a cooking show and more than likely it is decadence and way too pricey for me anyhow. I dont' watch tv and say hmm crocus stems only $100 an ounce..Oh i MUST have that! and a lb. of it! No each person is responsible for their own SELF. I cannot blame food programs, the internet and other outlets on my own weight issues. Those are mine and I need to make the steps myself to correct those issues.

  6. When you see it on TV it is supposed to make you want the food.

    As to restaurants serving smaller portions, yes, I do think it is a good idea.  But they want you to think you're getting a great deal for your $$.  However with rising prices in everything these days, we may see smaller portions sooner rather than later.

  7. Yes.

    There is an Italian retaurant near me that serves normal portions at reasonable prices.  The food is delish, too.  I'm now a regular.

  8. if they drop the prices as well as the portions then probably yes,although some cafes you go in you only get a small amount anyway, you can leave some if you don`t want it all but if you do get a smaller portion you may be tempted to have a pudding and that is worse

  9. Yes they should at least offer half portions. Fridays is now advertising its smaller portion menu.

  10. I think most of the more expensive restaurants keep portion sizes small already.  Due to the increased costs of food (rather than the increased sizes of waistlines) restaurants are hiring professionals to come in and show them how to plate less, reduce the size of their servings yet still charge as much.  I usually start with the vegetables, then the protien and end with the starch (or carb) so that when I am full, I have eaten the best and healthiest and left the not so healthy on my plate.   I think people should just switch to  cooking healthier foods in healthier ways so that you can eat better for your health and a larger quantity if you wish to.

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