
Should restaurants have to display a notice of how often they have been visited by public health?

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And the findings each time. The public have a right to know how often thay have been warned in the past. We need to know if the mice aren't fresh




  1. Yes.I t shows that the restaurant isn't a filthy haven for rats and roaches, the cooks aren't utilizing dirty utensils and rotten food products and that you won't get Legionnaire's disease as a consequence of eating at said restaurant.

  2. My cat, Lilyboo, couldn't agree with you more.  Fresh, lively rodents are a priority.

  3. its a good idea

    but they only have to display the last inspection

  4. most definitely. i've been a bkkeepr in a 4 star gourmet ital. rest. for 13 yrs., and our policy has always been the public is our business and they want to know how we are doing, and it also gives us the motivation to do better. no matter what we do there is always room for improvement, and you must remember it is public health's job to find something wrong or they dont get their brownie points for the day.

  5. Some places do grade restaurants and the ones getting A's and B's tend to post them in their windows.

  6. no

  7. I think if they did most places will have to close down

    if we saw the info on our way in ..... it will be our way out

    sometimes it's better not to know!

    I've been in a place in south Ken where there were mice running around while we were eating and the manager explained

    " we are trying to deal with the problem - but they simply won't go away!!!!"

    We called the Health and Safty guys - and the place is still open!!!

  8. Yea I think we have the rite to know. They are prepairing your food after all .

  9. It wouldn't work, if a place had been visited more than another one you would think because of this it was cleaner, although the one who hadn't been visited could be automatically cleaner, so no reason to visit.............and no signs stating a visit had been made..

  10. That is a GREAT idea!

  11. Black is right!

  12. h**l no, it's bad enough with all the tv programmes on that show restaurants that are not quite up to scratch or the downright filthy.

    It already puts me off going out and I don't go very often.

  13. It is very important and essential Chefs, Cooks and Service keep their working environment extremely clean. I don't think some restaurants are aware of how important proper sanitation is, and is neglected in many ways. What we eat is important to most of us, and we should be concerned about how it is handled and served. Posting regular Inspection in public view on a regular basis for all restaurants is a must! I hope to see more inspection postings at my favorite Restaurants!

    I recommend the HACCP program (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) within any kitchen or food and beverage establishment. HACCP should be Company Policy!

  14., they are only required to post the results of their last inspection.

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