
Should restaurants require customers to wash their hands before a meal?

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It seems like 95 percent of the people who eat in restaurants don't wash their hands before starting a meal.

No wonder we spend so much on health care in the US.




  1. When going to the bathroom, you might want to wash your hands first. I know where my private parts have been; I don't always know what my hands have been in contact with - shaking hands, using doorknobs, picking up menus.

    Some fancy restaurants I have been in begin with a hot towel, especially if they serve finger food. If you are paranoid, then find one like that and go there.

    Actually, we as a society are germophobes (Howie Mandel, for example) and it is causing our immune systems to be unprepared when we contact new germs. So we get sicker than if we had been in minor contact with everyday germs. Some germs act like immunizations; they actually protect your from worse ones.

  2. People should just teach this practice to their children from the time they are able to do so and it would just be a habit and everyone would do it and we all wouldnt have to worry about all the crazy germs floating around.  Wash your hands people,,,,its a good thing.

  3. Instead of this, we should have someone in public bathrooms enforcing handwashing.

    It totally grosses me out to see someone head straight for the door after leaving a stall.  EWW!

  4. That's ok, the people who prepare the food probably don't wash their hands either. When you think about it, eating out is really a germfest.

  5. It's up to you if you want to be filthy. Personaly...I wash my hands before and after handleing food. In restaurants when I look at the menu..I wash my hands. I don't think it needs to be required...but I don't get sick when I go out to eat.

  6. I think establishments should put alcohol hand sanitizer on the tables. Especially at buffet places. I'm a freak when it comes to handwashing. Althoug I do work in the medical field and you wouldn't believe the stuff you could pick up. If people only knew they would wash their hands before every meal.

  7. no, because the only one their going to give germs to is themselves, unless they are sharing with someone else and i guess it should be up to the other person to say something.

  8. Why?

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