
Should rugby commentators be more like league, drum up a bit more excitment for home viewers??

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  1. The commentators on ITV give me the impression they are watching paint dry.........jeez, how they got the rights I will never know, cash most probably!

    Not half as good as Johnathan Davies on the BBC!

  2. We prefer getting excitement from the sport, and dont need help to get excited as leagues do.

    Are there so harsh bias in other countries? Here in Argentina You couldnt know who are the commentators supporting if it wasnt for their mood during tries!

  3. I think the australian league commentators can make a game exciting. Got to agree with the kiwi about mexted, what a pain in the **** he and Mathew Cooper. The current mob on TV 3 seem pretty good with Grant Fox and A Whetton giving comments with Hamish MacKay (Who).

    Must congratulate the Jocks for last nights game and what a try Ali Williams

  4. I like the commentators how they are now but since I have lived outside NZ, I've had to listen to foreign commentators and their insane bias towards their own country.  I watched the England vs Italy 6 Nations game and the England commentators were constantly babbling on about how great every thing about the English team was and paid next to no respect to Italy.  SURE this is to be expected but it is overboard in every country.

    My favourite so far are the Irish commentators, in particular the guys in the studio before and after the game.... so freakin brutally honest it's GREAT.  When they invite a former Irish international in to do some assessments and introduce him as "Needing to go to the gym", I think thats GREAT!

    I am looking forward to heading home to NZ and hearing our own biased commentary, although I am VERY tempted to stay here if that IDIOT Murray Mexted is still uttering his stupid babble throughout the games.

  5. Union doesn't need to 'drum up' excitement, the game is exciting by itself.

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