
Should russia and china attack britain usa and israel.?

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to stop them picking on smaller countries like iran,iraq etc,who put these peopl in charge they are manics,warmongers and liars




  1. it's a drama and they won't attack each other .They wait for others to slip and eat them together.

  2. They will.

  3. Since Russia is part of the European Union along with Great Britain I don't think that would be happening.

    And no, how can you accuse those countries of warmongering when you yourself are infact warmongering?

  4. Won't happen. Russia is part of the EU and Chinas economy has become too dependent on the US consumer.

  5. They will if Iran is attacked. If they do not attack Iran they won't lift a finger.

  6. John M: Russia has never been a part of the European Union, and never will be.

      Generally, it's not a bad Idea to restrain the greedy US and Israel. Actually, US is ruled by Israel

  7. none of those countries would declare war on eachother but if Iran was to be invaded a paramilitary war would probably ensue with special forces,sort of like what is happening in Iraq at the moment with the Brits and Ameicans targeting Iranian weapons dealers and smugglers along the border,Spetsnaz,the Russian special forces, have trained a lot of Irans military and a behind the scenes war would definitely ensue.

    However neither side would admit to this as it would be seen as an act of war and both sides are then assured of a term known as MAD,Mutually Assured Destruction, this being neither side could knock out eachothers military defences,infastructure etc. in one go so it would keep going with nuclear strikes until both sides are obliterated.So an all out war is very unlikely but clandestine and covert wars are entirely possible.

  8. Russia is NOT part of the EU people. But my assessment is if Iran is attacked, we will definitely be seeing some action from Russia. Enjoy your stay.

  9. You know the old saying,When China Wakes The world Will Tremble.   codger

  10. China will not be the agressor, but USA does need to stop picking on other countries.

    USA has planned attacks on Iran, when Iran is vital to China and Russia. China and Russia will definetly defend.

  11. i think this one will only happen in your mind.

  12. No-one should attack anyone.

    The VOTERS put them in charge!

  13. I do not think that either Russia or China would be as Childish as you & think up your silly fantacy. I am sure they would not be that stupid.

  14. No - they don't stand a chance, the only way they could beat us is through nukes - we have them as well. the armies of china of Russia could not beat the combined forces of the UK, USA and Israel - they are too immobile.

    we're not war mongers, Afghanistan is a justified war, not sure about Iraq though.

  15. Drinking a little early today, aren't we?

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