
Should sbw stay loyal to the bulldogs and finish his contract to to the club before switching to another code?

by  |  earlier

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i will hate seeing him go but he wants to looks after himself and make more money somewhere else.but a contract is a contract.




  1. Let him go, he will come crawling back just like Sailor and Rogers...

  2. it will be to much of a blow to the bulldogs that let so many people go just to keep him and that would crush what is meant to be called loyalty. But loyalty is kinda rare these days.

  3. put yourself in his boots, if you had a job and weren't happy doing it, then were offered more money to do something else that you liked. what would you do?

    my opinion is that life is short so you may as well enjoy it, whatever you are doing. also if he does leave the dogs it would make him a hypocrite after his rants on the footy show about loyalty!

  4. Canterbury put a huge portion of there salary cap up to keep SBW and Mason. The lost Price, Thurston and O'Meley to make it happen. Now they will both be gone - bye bye Bulldogs.

  5. He is the most famous name in league and the NRL wits r just gona let him walk out the door with allot of our other great players and not do anything.

    He would have left already if he didn't talk all that s**+.t about loyalty. He wont be aloud 2 shoulder charge in Union so dats reason enough it should not ever happen

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