
Should school/education be a privilege & not a right?

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Why should we forcefully pack high schools with juvenile delinquents who will only impede the learning process for those who actually want to learn, not to mention waste tax payer money? Shouldn’t we make education free and available to those who want it without trying to shove it down the throats of those who don’t?




  1. Personally, I think that we 'forcefully pack high schools' is part of the problem.  The smaller the class size, the more kids will likely get out of the material being taught.  The amount of funding that goes to many public schools is so minuscule it's almost laughable.  

    I think if less money was spent on absurd military technology and more was spent on our communities and the quality of our public schools, there would probably be less juvenile delinquents and more kids who value their education.

    But that's asking a lot, I know ;)

  2. nope

    i dont wanna pay for school even if i am one of thegood students that are trying to get a good education. but then again, im only in 8th grade ill probably change my mind, or not

  3. Maybe if we did this the kids who don't want to learn will have miserable lives and realize their mistake. The only thing is that they'll be too old to go back and fix it. It's a great lesson but it's just impractical.

    Maybe we should just send kids who don't want to learn to other schools where they won't interfere with anybody else's experiences.

    What we could do is give kids tests in the early school years to see where we should put them. In the first three/four years of school, their behaviour and ability/desire to learn will be assessed and they will be placed accordingly.

  4. Everyone under the age of 18 should have to go to school.  Many kids are still to immature to realize the impact  a good or bad education will have on there lives.

  5. No, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. How do we determine who wants it? What's the criteria? And besides your  plan could never work. It's not feasible

    And besides nobody forces high school students to go to school at least in New York. You don't want to come, you can dropout or go get your GED.

  6. i agree to a point,

    you can not hold them there they can drop out at legal working age.

    at least in California anyway. i think, however, the direction that we should be going is trying to get them to want to learn.

    a harder path but nessisary. it starts with the parents, not the school.

    they must show the value of intelligence. and the valueless nature

    of delinquency. we can also start that by realizing that they also want a voice. a way to speak out about their precived injustice and a way to

    show how they have political opinions and ways to solve problems.

    bridge the generation gaps by opening them up to free speach and treating them as equals instead of dumb kids.

    if they felt equal i belive the negative actions would slow greatly

    but thats my opinion


  7. Education should be a right everyone should be allowed to be educated to the highest level and not be hindered in doing so

  8. they don't usually become delinquints until after they're uneducated.  you just can't tell how they'll turn out, so everyone should start out on an even playing field.

    BTW, rate me, please:

  9. Education has become outsourced by the parents. Instead of using the School as a tool, they dump their kids off as early in life to the System.

    I agree that the trouble makers ruin schooling.  

  10. no because i think if you go to school even those kids that don't pay attention they will still learn something. if it was optional most of the school would be empty and more people would be living on the street because they didn't go.

  11. yupp i totally agree.

  12. holy c**p i completely agree. i have kids in my school who really don't wanna be there and they just disrupt the class and ruin mine and everyone elses learning.  

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