
Should school taxes be raised to save the art and music programs?

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I think that taxes should be raised to guarantee the future of school music programs. There are too many people around here that are musically illiterate and it just has to stop. People need to learn music. I am tired of people saying that "it isn't something that interests me" or "I don't have time." I love playing the piano and guitar and I love to sing. Some people act as if they should not have to learn music education. Why not? Do you like music? You can write songs, compose piano music pieces and create a wide variety of emotion and feelings! But instead, all I see is people saying that it's a waste of time and that "we'd much rather be the listener than the composer." No! No! No! We need to nurture the next generation of talent! Our elementary and middle schools all have purchased pianos and new sets of instruments Because They Care about Music. Please. Save the Music!! (Don't be like my parents and say "You keep writing your music and we'll keep listening and enjoying.") All I want is for everyone to learn. People should at least be able to understand key signatures and read music (if not play it).




  1. I believe that schools NEED the arts and music programs. It truly is essential to development of young kids. They don't have to be a Mozart but being involved in these activities give discipline, creates better mental focus and ability to think creatively.

    I don't know if raising the school tax is the answer.  How about the government spending our tax dollars on what  they told us they were going to spend it on? Instead of raising any more taxes.

  2. My children went to Private school.  The cost per student to educate them was much lower than the public school, and they had a much better education.  Perhaps the inefficiencies of the system should be addressed, rather than just going to raise taxes.

    There are many people struggling now.  This is a rather foolish time to think about tax increase like this!

  3. In hard times in human history, one of the most important person was the musician. People sang to keep morale. It's part of our culture, whichever yours may be. I agree FULLY! It teaches our kids self discipline, meditation and God knows it teaches them perseverance. Last night I wasn't feeling to good, I picked up the guit, sang a song or two and all was better. I don't believe there's a better and faster spirit rejouvenating drug on the market, and I hope there never will be!

  4. Taxes shouldn't be raised under any circumstance. My school never had a music program, so I got up and learned it myself. I payed for it, drove to where I needed to go to learn it. I never needed the governments help learning music.

    If you want to help the musical programs you should just donate to a private music place in your area instead.  

  5. Raise taxes, no.  Cut athletics, YES.  School is supposed to be about learning.  Athletics, Music, Art are all unnecessary.  They should be paid for by the parents.

  6. Yes.  Music is not just frills or enrichment.  Over the long haul, "Music Makes You Smarter!" and is money well spent.

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