
Should school teachers be working under the table in the

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  1. If you mean something illegal, definitely not. But I found no wrong in earning extra money during summer as long as the work doesn't damage his or her integity as an educator. A teacher should be clean in all actions.

  2. That depends on the table.  There is nothing wrong with teachers taking advantage of free time, but it should be honest work with honest wages, and reported to the I.R.S.

  3. Where I live, teachers need a second income.  If you mean a job that doesn't accrue taxes, as long as the job itself isn't illegal, I don't fault a teacher for making ends meet.

    Private tutoring isn't usually reported as taxable income.

  4. Theoretically, no one should be working under the table, but there is no reason why a teacher shouldn't be able to take a second job to make ends meet like anyone else!

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