
Should schools get fined for not recycling?

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Why or why not?




  1. Yes they should.  In fact private citizens should as well.  I propose a government task force and a recycling czar to oversee it.  Confiscatory taxes should be levied on anyone who does not recycle that which he or she bought with his or her own earnings.  In other words, the government should tell all citizens what to do with their private property.

  2. im not sure, I dont really think it would be fare to the school because it would be the kids at the school who are not recycling and causing the school money. I go to highschool and kids are not polite people and dont care about recycling or the wonderful school they go to. it would be the school whos paying for the kids ignorance.

  3. People in most major cities are fined so why should schools be exempt. (My school recycles paper and plastic).

  4. No, I don't think so because maybe to them it's not a big deal, and sure...primary and elementary schools don't get fined, neither do colleges or high schools, so I guess that's how the government works...waste resources and then waste more...

  5. They definitely should.  A lot of schools even have recycling bins and trash cans for soda cans, but don't recycle.  They just throw their recycling bins in with the trash.  It's completely ridiculous.  Any government run institution should be fined for not recycling, they should be setting an example for the private citizen.

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