
Should schools have shorter school days?

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This survey has been designed to prove that reducing school hours would benefit students as they would be less tired, stressed and would have a longer attention span in class.

1. What is your gender?

a. Male

b. Female

2. Are you a…

a. Student

b. Teacher

c. Parent

3. If you are a student, which grade are you currently in?

a. 8

b. 9

c. 10

d. 11

e. 12

4. What are the benefits of having shorter school hours?

a. Students would be more focused

b. Students would have more time to complete homework and assignments

c. Students are not as tired

d. Other (please state) ________________________________

5. What are the disadvantages of having shorter school hours?

a. Less prepared for longer working hours after completion of Grade12.

b. Less time to teach vital information

c. Transport difficulties (parents dropping children to school)

d. Other (please state) ________________________________

6. Should students be made to attend school from 8.30am-3.15pm if they do not have class during a particular lesson?

a. Yes

b. No

7. Children are currently attending school from 8.30am-3.15pm, is this too long to stay focused?

a. Yes

b. No

8. Should school hours be shortened?

a. Yes

b. No

9. How many hours should school be shortened by?

a. 0-1 hour

b. 1-2 hours

c. 2-3 hours

d. 3-4 hours

e. 4 hours

10. If school were to be shortened, should school holidays be reduced in order to make up for lost lesson time?

a. Yes

b. No

11. Do you believe shorter hours would improve or lower the marks currently achieved by students and why.

a. Yes: ________________________________________...

b. No: ________________________________________...

12. When should the school day begin?

a. 7am-8.30am

b. 8.30am-10am

c. 10am-11.30am

d. 11.30am-1pm

e. 1pm or later.

13. When should the school day end?

a. Before midday

b. Midday-1pm

c. 1pm-2pm

d. 2pm-3pm

e. 4pm onwards

Thankyou for your time, your response is appreciated.




  1. Female


    10 (going to..)

    4. BOTH B and C

    b. Students would have more time to complete homework and assignments

    c. Students are not as tired


    a. Less prepared for longer working hours after completion of Grade12.

    6. NO



    8. Should school hours be shortened?



    1-2 hrs


    NO (unless its a considerable amount of change)

    11. Do you believe shorter hours would improve or lower the marks currently achieved by students and why.

    a. Yes: More sleep, more rest, more time to finish assignments, and still have time for ourselves. This is why we would improve, since we'd be willing to work diligently instead of rushing, and would take care of our health and our needs (EXERCISE) as well


    a. 7am-8.30am


    c. 1pm-2pm




  3. Male


    Grade 10

    Students have more time to complete homework and assignments.

    Less time to teach vital topics

    No, in Australia if you have a free lesson, i.e. no lesson at all for 45min+ you can go home after signing out but you need to return if you have further lessons.

    No, it is a fairly short time for focus if you include breaks

    I used to live in a country that was from 7am -> 1pm with 1 30min break. That was pretty good, but it is quite a short day

    Short hours would improve marks for some students, and decrease marks for afters. If teachers decide to complete the full curriculum, class work would be faster and much more homework added to compensate.

    School day should begin 8:30 to 10am

    The school day should end 4pm onwards.


    1. What is your gender?


    2. Are you a…


    3. If you are a student, which grade are you currently in?

    9th grade

    4. What are the benefits of having shorter school hours?

    a. Students would be more focused

    b. Students would have more time to complete homework and assignments

    c. Students are not as tired


    5. What are the disadvantages of having shorter school hours?

    a. Less prepared for longer working hours after completion of Grade12.

    b. Less time to teach vital information

    c. Transport difficulties (parents dropping children to school)

    ALL OF THESE!! I live 45 min. away from school

    6. Should students be made to attend school from 8.30am-3.15pm if they do not have class during a particular lesson?


    7. Children are currently attending school from 8.30am-3.15pm, is this too long to stay focused?

    a. Yes

    actually 8-3:45

    I go to a private school

    8. Should school hours be shortened?


    9. How many hours should school be shortened by?

    3 hours

    10. If school were to be shortened, should school holidays be reduced in order to make up for lost lesson time?


    11. Do you believe shorter hours would improve or lower the marks currently achieved by students and why.

    a. Yes because when I get out of tennis I do for 3 hours get home at 6:30 then I have to eat, take a shower, and then start studying and do homework at liek 7:30 and there is so much and my parents want me to go to bed by 9 or 9:30 cuz i have to wake up at 6:30 all the time and I won't get my rest so I always go to bed at like 11 sometimes 1 doing my homework and studying and stilll dont do really good on my grades..and they want you to go to extra help but you dont have time.

    12. When should the school day begin?

    9 AM

    13. When should the school day end?

    1 or 2 PM

  5. 1. What is your gender?

    b. Female

    2. Are you a…

    c. Parent


    4. What are the benefits of having shorter school hours?

    d. Other (please state) There are no benefits to shorter hours.

    5. What are the disadvantages of having shorter school hours? (all of the below)

    *a. Less prepared for longer working hours after completion of Grade12.

    *b. Less time to teach vital information

    *c. Transport difficulties (parents dropping children to school)

    *d. Other (please state) Giving children and teens more time to complete their homework does NOT mean they will actually use the time OR do their homework.  Time management is a good skill to learn while young.

    6. Should students be made to attend school from 8.30am-3.15pm if they do not have class during a particular lesson?

    a. Yes

    7. Children are currently attending school from 8.30am-3.15pm, is this too long to stay focused?

    b. No.  That's already 45 minutes less than normal school days I ever had in US public schools.

    8. Should school hours be shortened?

    b. No

    9. How many hours should school be shortened by?


    10. If school were to be shortened, should school holidays be reduced in order to make up for lost lesson time?

    a. Yes

    11. Do you believe shorter hours would improve or lower the marks currently achieved by students and why.

    b. No: Students who put off assignments will still put them off.  Students who struggle will just have that many more hours to struggle.  The only the students who would use the extra time to get their assignments done are the students who are self-directed enough to manage their time and get their assignments done already.  Shortening the school day does not teach better study habits.  And since many of these kids would be going home to an empty house, there would be no parent available to supervise while the homework got done.  So your whole purpose of helping students complete their work is shot down before you ever get started.

    12. When should the school day begin?

    a. 7am-8.30am - the youngest students are the children who are typically awake early.  In my opinion, it's the kindergarten and elementary schools who should start early.

    b. 8.30am-10am.  Teens need more sleep than they get, and this has extensive research behind it.  Start their day a bit later than the young kids.

    13. When should the school day end?

    e. 4pm onwards for high school that began after 8:30 am.  Between 3 and 4 for the elementary kids who started at 7:30-ish.

  6. 1. What is your gender?


    2. Are you a…


    3. If you are a student, which grade are you currently in?


    4. What are the benefits of having shorter school hours?

    D- There are so MANY benefits I don't know where to begin, first of all Highschool is stressful and we deserve more time in the day to relax and I can assure you I believe if the school hours were shorter I would have better grades then I have now. It would give me a chance to unwind a little.

    5. What are the disadvantages of having shorter school hours?

    The only disadvantage I can think of is C, Also I'd like to add you can prepare yourself with longer working hours by having an after-school job which equals MORE money, With the price of education going up is there harm in letting students earn more money? Teach students to save.

    6. Should students be made to attend school from 8.30am-3.15pm if they do not have class during a particular lesson?


    7. Children are currently attending school from 8.30am-3.15pm, is this too long to stay focused?

    a. Yes

    8. Should school hours be shortened?

    a. Yes

    9. How many hours should school be shortened by?

    B seems reasonable it seems like something we could all agree on.

    10. If school were to be shortened, should school holidays be reduced in order to make up for lost lesson time?

    b. No, cut time off from summer vacation- It's lasts way to long and a lot of students get bored during this time.

    11. Do you believe shorter hours would improve or lower the marks currently achieved by students and why.

    A. Yes- Less stress, more time to have fun, besides from my experience a lot of students doze off towards the end of school perhaps a strong sign that the hours are to long.

    12. When should the school day begin?

    C- Teenagers brains are wired to stay up late and sleep later in the AM- Read scientific studies for proof or better yet take a look at our schools, all the students who come to school at 7"30AM are so tired and sleepy in the morning.

    13. When should the school day end?

    D- again seems reasonable

  7. dude yes for sure!!  1. What is your gender?

    a. Male

    b. Female


    2. Are you a…

    a. Student

    b. Teacher

    c. Parent


    3. If you are a student, which grade are you currently in?

    a. 8

    b. 9

    c. 10

    d. 11

    e. 12


    4. What are the benefits of having shorter school hours?

    a. Students would be more focused

    b. Students would have more time to complete homework and assignments

    c. Students are not as tired

    d. Other (please state)

    Answer: All of the above except D i cant think of another reason except we'll be less stressed________________________________

    5. What are the disadvantages of having shorter school hours?

    a. Less prepared for longer working hours after completion of Grade12.

    b. Less time to teach vital information

    c. Transport difficulties (parents dropping children to school)

    d. Other (please state) ________________5.A   i dont think C because that's what busses are for________________

    6. Should students be made to attend school from 8.30am-3.15pm if they do not have class during a particular lesson?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    B. No. what's the point?

    7. Children are currently attending school from 8.30am-3.15pm, is this too long to stay focused?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    A. YES, no one stays focused the whole day for 5 days a week it's just too hard!!

    8. Should school hours be shortened?

    a. Yes

    b. No


    9. How many hours should school be shortened by?

    a. 0-1 hour

    b. 1-2 hours

    c. 2-3 hours

    d. 3-4 hours

    e. 4 hours

    B. 1-2 hours

    10. If school were to be shortened, should school holidays be reduced in order to make up for lost lesson time?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    B. No. we dont even get halloween or v-day off.  

    11. Do you believe shorter hours would improve or lower the marks currently achieved by students and why.

    a. Yes: _________We'd have more time to complete homework after school because with afterschool activities such as sports you usually dont get home until around 10 or 11 from an away game so you dont have like any time to do your hw.  and you have more time to study for tests and you're not always so tired and stressed out_______________________________...

    b. No: ________________________________________...

    12. When should the school day begin?

    a. 7am-8.30am

    b. 8.30am-10am

    c. 10am-11.30am

    d. 11.30am-1pm

    e. 1pm or later.


    13. When should the school day end?

    a. Before midday

    b. Midday-1pm

    c. 1pm-2pm

    d. 2pm-3pm

    e. 4pm onwards

    answer: D

  8. I won't do the survey, but I do have a few points you need to consider.  For one thing, shortening school days would require having more of them to cover the same amount of information.  This would increase energy usage and the cost of running a school system, both of which are very important.  Second, buses are fine for those who can get them, but a lot of students don't qualify or their systems don't have them, so transport is going to be a problem.  In addition, this would leave children as latchkey kids for a longer period of time every day.  It's bad enough if they get off at 3 or 3:30 and their mom gets home at 6.  Imagine them getting off at 1 and mom is still getting off at 6.  As far as staying all day when they don't have a class, how will you deal with the kid that leaves and doesn't come back, either because they don't want to or because they have been kidnapped by a child predator looking for a child alone on the streets?  

    In my opinion, the school day should be lengthened to 10 hours.  This would eliminate most latchkey kids, and there would then be a three day weekend every week.  It would also cut down on energy usage and trips made to school by the parents.  

  9. In Spain, lunch time is three hours, and they get to go home for it too.

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