This survey has been designed to prove that reducing school hours would benefit students as they would be less tired, stressed and would have a longer attention span in class.
1. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female
2. Are you a…
a. Student
b. Teacher
c. Parent
3. If you are a student, which grade are you currently in?
a. 8
b. 9
c. 10
d. 11
e. 12
4. What are the benefits of having shorter school hours?
a. Students would be more focused
b. Students would have more time to complete homework and assignments
c. Students are not as tired
d. Other (please state) ________________________________
5. What are the disadvantages of having shorter school hours?
a. Less prepared for longer working hours after completion of Grade12.
b. Less time to teach vital information
c. Transport difficulties (parents dropping children to school)
d. Other (please state) ________________________________
6. Should students be made to attend school from 8.30am-3.15pm if they do not have class during a particular lesson?
a. Yes
b. No
7. Children are currently attending school from 8.30am-3.15pm, is this too long to stay focused?
a. Yes
b. No
8. Should school hours be shortened?
a. Yes
b. No
9. How many hours should school be shortened by?
a. 0-1 hour
b. 1-2 hours
c. 2-3 hours
d. 3-4 hours
e. 4 hours
10. If school were to be shortened, should school holidays be reduced in order to make up for lost lesson time?
a. Yes
b. No
11. Do you believe shorter hours would improve or lower the marks currently achieved by students and why.
a. Yes: ________________________________________...
b. No: ________________________________________...
12. When should the school day begin?
a. 7am-8.30am
b. 8.30am-10am
c. 10am-11.30am
d. 11.30am-1pm
e. 1pm or later.
13. When should the school day end?
a. Before midday
b. Midday-1pm
c. 1pm-2pm
d. 2pm-3pm
e. 4pm onwards
Thankyou for your time, your response is appreciated.