
Should schools teach kids to just say no to debt?

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Train the kids to just say no to credit cards, car payments, and second mortgages?

I've seen teachers teach kids from a small age how to say no to drugs and even give them things to tell the drug dealer to make them go away. Should they practice with skits on how to not get hooked on debt with a card from citibank?




  1. YES!  Wow great question!  Credit card, sharks, and snakes; what do they have in common?  Play with them long enough your going to get bit!

    Debt is a danger that our youth are currently being taught by most of us that it is somthing nessassry.

    What's in my wallet...CASH!

    Check out

  2. In my opinion that is the job of the parents not a school teacher.

  3. Probably, yes.

    Citibank makes me cringe. I would never get a card from them. The interests rates are bad!

    It would be a funny thought...Hey man, what are you in here for? Oh me? I'm hooked on plastic, you? Oh, same.

  4. It would be a great idea to have a required class for kids in 11th or 12th grade of highschool to learn how to manage finances and be educated about things like debt and credit, but to have a "say no to debt" thing like they do for drugs is just stupid.

  5. YES!!!!!! I am a year out of college and wishing someone had taught me how to stay out of debt! I get deeper everyday just trying to survive - forget the car payment and second mortgage! I've got student loans and insurance, rent and GAS to pay for! I don't know when I will ever get to buy a new car or home. Hopefully the one I have had since high school will keep going at least 5 more years! I have been saying that kids should be taught how to manage money as early as possible for a while now and all my friends agree! Sure it should be a parents job to teach to some extent but if they hear how to manage money from more than one adult experienced source, they may be more likely to listen. Some people have parents who are too busy trying to get out of debt themselves to try to tell their children how to keep from it. And some parents could care less what happens to their kids once they leave their home.

  6. Drugs are bad, no matter how little you take or what you do with them.  They are also illegal.  On the other hand, everyone from the government to the most successful businesses rely on debt to accomplish everything important that they do.  It is not debt per se that is a problem, but excessive debt.  Teaching them to say no to debt would limit their success in life.  It would keep them from being able to travel, to being able to go to good schools, to get good jobs.  Children need to learn how to calculate the returns on investments that they make, not to say no to all debt!  A better analogy than drugs would be to teach children to say no to food.  We all know, after all, that too much, and the wrong kind, of food causes problems.  But children who learn to refuse all food end up in even worse problems.

  7. Schools teach very little of real value. They should be teaching entrepreneurship, actual skills, independence, ect, and they should not be teaching that the founders were evil,  condom usage, and that g*y is just another wholesome lifestyle.

    They should also be teaching the Constitution, and subjects such as jury rights, where people have the ability to vote "not guilty" if they determine that a law, itself, is unconstitutional.

    Schools mostly promote the liberal agenda and socialist brainwashing. It's hard to believe that parents would send their children to them in this day and age.

  8. Isn't that what econ is for....?

    And they teach a little bit of it in elementary and middle school too.

  9. I think thats a great idea.  People get just as depressed and broke as people who do drugs.  I'm being serious too.

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