
Should science be allowed in modern schools?

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Scientific theories and the efficient use of the human mind can lead to truths that liberate individuals.

Government's cannot withstand a free-thinking populace.

Therefore, science should not be taught in schools, to preserve the tranquility of our republic.

Do you agree?





  1. Science is my favorite subject! If anything, history should not be allowed -_-.

  2. I disagree absolutely!  Science should be mandatory in every school, from the earliest possible age! (together with PHILOSOPHY, the art of thinking)

    It is the policy of governments to level education "by the bottom" to create a population of imbeciles without a brain that are easy to CONTROL.

    The "preservation of the tranquility of your republic" is nothing else than a willful lobotomy of all individuals.

    IF schools were to teach our kids to THINK well, within two generations, we would NOT have any more "governments" like those we have now, and MANKIND, at last, would MATURE!

  3. "Government's cannot withstand a free-thinking populace."

    untrue.  some governments (ideally, a pure democracy) are built on the *foundation* of a free-thinking populace.

    so no, i don't agree.

  4. absolutely,  since science is a study of the earth and not a political agenda and the two should never be confused.  if your question were actually true then they would still be teaching religion in public schools

  5. Of course not.  Why should the tranquility of the republic be preserved?  That way lies decadence and oblivion.  Life adjusts, adapts, changes, and so does science.  Life breaks through concrete pavement and rigid ideas like tranquility and efficiency.

    Science should be taught in schools to promote survival.  Preserving is what we do to peaches and other fruit.

  6. Um.....just because the science taught in our nation's public schools could use some reforming does not mean that we should do away with science.

    Without having science classes in school, the majority of students would never be introduced to the important, undisputed fundamentals of science which are basically what high school biology, chemistry etc. are. Hence there would be a huge decrease in interest in the science field and it would be more difficult to recruit potential revolutionaries in modern-day science.

    Kids not being introduced to the world of science when they're most susceptible would lead to a less than tranquil republic. We can't fight AIDS if it's up to kids to learn what science is.

  7. I completely disagree. if anything science is the only thing we should be taught. along with math which is necessary for science and also english or some first language which is also necessary for science.

    your argument is basically, governments have difficulty brainwashing the well educated so we should remove science from their curriculum.

    everything that isn't science is liable to be propaganda or brainwashing. it never needed to adhere to specific rules design to extract and identify truth as well as mankind is equipped to discover. science is discovery. invention is propaganda. false logic is propaganda. politicians moving their hands a certain way, instead of upholding certain values. commercials that advertise without explanation of how, just what they do, and even at that are lying through their teeth by their own admission since next year they will come out with something new that claims to do the exact same thing as their prior product claimed the year before.

    praying on the minds of the uneducated, taking advantage of the weaker people. this is what should be removed. science, real education, real knowledge, not just memories, not just what someone told you, the what AND the why or how, is the only weapon we have against it.

    if someone tells you something and you ask why or how, whichever is most suitable, and they cannot answer you, they could still be right, but their statement cannot be trusted. and you will notice that tv, and commercials, and so many things, leave out those important parts of information, mostly because they are out to make money and they know that if they explain their product it will be busted and seen for what it is, or they believe that the average person will not understand the explanation, or be bored with it, or does not demand it, precisely because they lack knowledge in science. and so they are vulnerable.

  8. Ummm.... couldn't you say the same things about art, literature, music, history even math?

    In most science fiction it is literature that is attacked by controlling governments, like Ray Bradbury's 451F. Or emotions like that move that came out when Matrix did, or some other Ray Bradbury story I can't remember.

    So to make the citizens of the world meer puppets I really think literature and emotions need to be brought down first. Science would be kinds low on the list. And you need science to create the mind numbing chemicals anyway.

  9. No, every society is doomed to fail, if it fails because it learns the truth, a better society will emerge from it.

  10. Everyone is born with 100 billion neurons, which we rapidly lose as childhood rolls along.  How many of those neurons we hold on to is dependent on what we are exposed to.  If people speak a language fluently and easily, that is more than one language, it has to do with the fact that as children, their brain held on to the neurons (and data) necessary to communicate in that language.  Following this line of reasoning, it thus makes logical sense, to bombard a child with puzzles and brain games, or puzzles period, during the Kindergarten years.

    From grades 1 through 8, the emphasis should be;

    1)  Math

    2)  Language

    3)  Imagination conditioning; children should be taught to control it, to tell the difference between reality and fantasy, but not to get rid of it as it is an important and crucial problem solving tool of the human brain.  In fact in I.Q. tests, one of the things they test you for is the ability to "see" things in your head.  The reason people have higher scores as children than as adults, is because children have more vivid imaginations so any problem solving they can clearly see in their head.  However because the adult world has contempt for imagination and sees it as "kid stuff," it is not far fetched to say that prior generations of adults have gone out of their way to make kids retarded.  Retarded, relative to what human intellect SHOULD be.  In the last 30 minutes of this "class," the children should be allowed to let their imagination run free, so that their mind is not restricted by gears and clockwork.

    4)  For "homework," 1 hour of meditation after school, every day.  Outside that though, no homework at all; all schoolwork should be done in school.  Homework is a pointless waste of time that not only does it not work, as even straight A students have forgotten most of what they were taught, but if a person is overloaded with information, they are more likely to forget, rather than remember it.  Also it isn't fair to kids; you go home to rest, and I consider homework a form of child abuse.  Part of the reason this country has so many serial killers and psychopaths, is because of a school system that overworks people it does not grade fairly, and favors a small few who often times do not deserve that favor, case in point, most school teachers are sociopaths.

    For the first 8 grades, in other words the period where a child's brain is growing, it must be constantly and repeatedly bombarded with mathematics, language, and imagination training after the child has had in kindergarten, a solid foundation in puzzle and problem solving of any and all kinds which climb in complexity.  Math, also, should be centered around mastery as a skill, not a method of evaluation, reason being, and here I am borrowing from a mentality of classical Indian education "if you can not solve math problems entirely in your head, you do not know it."

    The idea, is 2 hours of math per day, with the students working on hundreds of problems, both on pencil and paper, and in their heads, to condition the brain to do both.  How would you do this?  Well if a person can calculate mentally, they can generally solve problems with speed.  For instance; a person who knows how to work with Calc, will get their homework done in roughly 1 hour, sometimes 30 minutes if the teacher is being nice.  However, a person who can do calc mentally, will do it all in 5 minutes.  Reason being, the brain is a deadly efficient calculator that when properly trained can solve problems at blazing speed.  We see this all the time with people who play video games, on a much simpler level of course but we see it nevertheless.  Gamers can play a game so many times, they already have a solution in their head when running a mission or a level.  Because they have already worked it out in their head, they can plow right throw in minutes whereas before it took them hours.

    Math follows a similar principle; slow when you learn it, fast when you know it, and speed, the ability to do it mentally, only comes with endless repetition.

    Language should be taught emphasizing complete mastery of all and every rule, from bottom to top, from the most basic rudimentary alphabet, all the way up to logic and philosophy.

    The idea, is to master math and language BEFORE any knowledge is taught.  It is unwise, actually I should say retarded, to teach knowledge when the kids haven't even mastered language yet!

    Think for a second; why are grade school kids being taught science, when they don't even know how to speak or write properly in their own language?  Also are school teachers REALLY concerned with teaching, or, favoring a few people who will be rich while ensuring the poor remain poor?  I mean, I am not throwing out an accusation or pointing fingers here but it sure as h**l seems that way.

    In world where everyone is smart, after all, bullshitter cowards can't get away with bullshitting anymore, as it is easier to lie to retards, than to people who know how to think.

    Angry rants aside, no, I don't agree Science should be taught in schools.  I don't agree because how the h**l are you supposed to learn it well when you don't even know how to speak?

    The point I am trying to make is this; languages, to people who speak more than one, are second nature to them because their brains grew up around them.  The idea, of this educational system I cooked up, is to make mathematics, language, and problem-solving-through-imagination, second nature to people in the future.

    Average people will become smart, and people born smart will reach freakish levels, and thus interstellar travel may finally be possible.  For that to happen though you have to kill the white man, as this educational system they will likely would try to stop before it even got started, so, nothing personal, its just one of those "self defense" kind of things.

    White people don't like it when minorities do well for themselves, and they make it a point to keep everyone in the deepest misery.  They fired Jaime Escalante, a teacher who took a bunch of thugs who couldn't even do basic arithmetic, which he trained to do Algebra 1, having started literally from scratch, in the space of only 6 months.  He was doing his job of teaching latinos a little to well so predictably the racist and sociopath school system of this country fired him, which is the reason my ideas regarding education I keep in blogs, or to myself.

    Perhaps in Africa, in a place where the people are illiterate, I could test my theory and who knows, make black people so intelligent Africa becomes a super power with technology 40 years ahead of white people's!  Payback time baby!

    Okay, more angry ranting and revenge fantasies aside involving a bloody apocalypse involving turning white population centers into hellish infernos, I agree with you, science should not be taught in schools because there is no proper foundation in either language or math.

    Language and math, are the foundational core of all knowledge.  If you do not know them well, it becomes a struggle to learn anything.

    History should be taught AFTER, in the language training, the kids are taught how to think critically.  Those ideas, regarding brain development, and how "kids are incapable of it" is total rubbish.  If that were true then how do you explain multilingual people?

    I mean language is a complex animal; think of how hard adults struggle to learn and yet kids, so readily learn it.  Frankly kids p**s me off, and I hate em'.


    When you're a kid everything comes easy.  Learning a new language, deftly and accurately imitating Kung Fu moves you see on T.V.,  you hit puberty though and its like, your intelligence is gone and you become a r****d.  Relative to what you were.  You also loose a lot of your fearlessness.

    The idea of raising a child, is to preserve, into adulthood, the best qualities of childhood, while discarding the bad ones ("mememememememe MEEEEEE!!!!!  ITS MINE!......").  Think man yeah, kids have annoying characteristics and they are a handful, but they also have advantages that we lose as we grow older.  Everyone loses them.

    With an educational system, that strives to preserve the imagination and teaches how to CONTROL it, and you combine this with extensive and thorough training in math and language, this could, hypothetically, make people much more intelligent in the future.

    Imagine a Biologist, whose imagination is as vivid as that of a 5 year old child's, but with the discipline of scientific training, and in full control of that imagination.  Think of the advances such a person would make.

    However, a mind can not be restricted only to gears and clockwork, it must be allowed to have its imagination run free, and after 6 straight hours of schooling, with a 30 minute break right in the middle for lunch of course, kids should not have homework, once released from school they should just, with supervision, be allowed to run free.

    When you do homework, you are just doing exercises with what you already have, however in terms of improving your mind, in terms of helping you, the american method, and current methods the world over don't do and arent' worth sh*t.

    You've got what you've got, and they work with what you've got, and you've got what you've got based on your parent's income, not your own merits, or their educational attainment, and the child is graded in accordance to those factors, that is the way of American education.  Why do they ask what your parent's educational attainment is?

    Think about it from the forms you fill out at school and later on at college.

    Is it really any of their damned business?  Think about it; what other reason is there to ask that, if not to evaluate people, make the job faster and easier?

    A k

  11. absolutley not !!

    are you suggesting that by not studying science in schools we would become a society of robots basically that are inclined to think and believe whatever the govt throws at us??!

    hahahha i think not.

  12. Nope! I don't agree!

  13. h**l no, science is an important subject!

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