
Should science pursue everything possible?

by Guest32778  |  earlier

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Should a scientist be held responsible for the effects of his discoveries?




  1. It appears that man was created to explore and learn from prior mistakes sucesses and  from that knowledge be prompted to ask further questons.  If the U.S. patent office had been closed in the early 1900's because people believed that all that could be invented had been invented, where would we be now?  Because humans draw inference from prior knowledge and because they were created to do so, a person could look at a plowed field (a potato field) imagine the lines as data or information, somehow intuate that lines were data and could be transmitted and receic\ved at another location, the kinescope, leading to the television tube,  Plilo T. Farnsworth, a rather uneducated man, persued the idea of image transmission in the early 1920's.

    He must have been influenced by previous scientists who believed they could transmit data...the telagraph, sound, the phonograph, the radio, the television, the idea that data could be sent into space and bounced badk to earth...once satellites were conceived..and so on.

    Each step led to another person's imagination and further inventions which  led to others.  It seems that mankind, when exposed to a new technology takes it a litle further.  

    It is really not a question of science pursueing everything possible, it is a question of being able to go as far as nature will allow it to go.  Technology does not seem to care much about ethics, technology goes as far as the mind takes and is only limited, I believe, to the limit the Creator will allow.

    The atomic bomb, cloning, etc....seem to have be inevetable.  The Creator appears to allow us to go as far as we can go, seemingly currently without His limitation.

    The ethics and morality of inventions seem to be situational.  In the 1880's, the idea of anesthesia in childbirth or even surgery was questioned. (Aren't women supposed to bring forth children in travail?)

    The issue of science's pursuit of everything seems mute.  How do we at any time know what everything is.  What was a microchip, what was coomputer software in 1940?  A man named Holorith was said to have made the first software in the 1800's when he invented a loom with a device with holes which allowed a needle to pass at designated intervals.  Did hehave a flicker of insight or did the software code writers of today take a hint from him 150 years ago?

    The question of responsibility...the original scientests working on the Atomic bomb used their technology to build a weapon.  Another scientist used the same technology to make energy.

    Accountability becomes relative and can only be judged by hindsight.  Would you have executed  Einstein, Niels Bohr, the Curies and Tellar for the technology which made a bomb or would you just realize that technology really is neutral.  It can only be judged by what is made of it.

  2. a scientist divide his datas into 2 category, one is controlled environment,   the other is not .

    sometimes there are extraneous variables which is beyond his control. if his discoveries fail because of its effects then its because his experiment lacks valid datas.

  3. Sir, for legal, base logic thinking, of course not, cause of his discoveries ought to mass [other legal board scientist] permitted to public review, for a sample as a new science ..

    but, he, him self of scientist own, i mean his soul maybe not, some held his discoveries, some no ...

    your faith,

    Machmud Chotami, Engineer

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