
Should second-home owners vote?

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Should second-home owners vote?




  1. I don't think people getting welfare should vote either. It's a conflict of interest.

  2. why not dont quite understand your thoughts on that .

  3. Wow, September.  I hope you're never in a situation where you might have to temporarily accept financial aid in order to support yourself or your children.  

  4. Depending on your definitions of second-home owners, would be my answer.

    I believe that each person has one permanent (principal) legal residence.  It would be that residence that should be used for voting registration for all State and National elections.

    However, for people how own and reside in other buildings in other localities, I believe that these owners ought to be able to vote for or against all local issues which would affect their tax payments.  I think it very unfair for cities that have a high "snow bird" population levying high taxes for schools or roads on people who gain little direct benefit.

    Now that is the theory, my fear of potential voting fraud would make me wary of any means to register voters for local issues only.  I also fear that the database listing individuals will  multiple dwellings would be used for nefarious political purposes.    

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