
Should she pay for the dry cleaning? What would you do?

by  |  earlier

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I went on vacation last week & a friend volunteered to take care of my cats while I was gone.

Just before vacation, I bought a BRAND NEW comforter & put it in the bedroom & shut the door for safe keeping. It's dry clean only & I didn't want my cats on it.

My friend & her mom had not seen one cat for two visits so they looked all around for him. Her mom didn't know that the bedroom door was shut from the beginning, so she looked in there. After my friend noticed that it was open, she was then concerned that one of the cats got in there and she was afraid to shut the door and lock them in there.

One of the cats soiled my new comforter. :(

I am SO upset & disappointed. My friend has offered to pay for dry cleaning. Should I take her up on it?

What about asking her to pay half? Good or bad idea?




  1. Oh dear!  Your friend was doing YOU a favor, and the fact that they have OFFERED to pay, shows they value your friendship more than money.  They tried to do the right thing by looking out for your cat they had not seen in a few days.  This was them being good and conscientious caretakers of your home and your pets.  Honestly, if you can afford it, pay to have it cleaned yourself, if you must accept your friends offer, take half and move on.  ASKING her to pay half?  Or she offered to pay half?  Disappointed in the cat?  Or your friend?  I'd say your friend was a good person to have been concerned enough to check in your room for the missing kitty, what if your cat WAS in there?  And you found it dead on the comforter instead?  Who would have to pay then?  HMMMMMMMMMMMmmmm?  Things happen, do not hold your friend responsible, be mad at the kitty who made the mess, its really past any of that, isn't it?  Don't lose a friend over foolishness!  My dear, friends are more important than any possession, even if they are expensive and pretty, and should never get in the way of a good friendship.  Hope this helps you!  Good luck!

  2. I agree with Robert.

  3. pay for half.

  4. She did you a favor by watching your cats. If you were so worried about your comforter you should have removed it before you left. Save your friendship & pay for the dry cleaning.

  5. to begin with your friend was doing you  the favor!!! her mother even came with her to help look for your other cat. If you took into consideration of their time and genuine concern they had for you and your cats you should pay them for even considering charging them for your comforter you selfish selfish girl.g

  6. Yeah, when you leave you have to prepare for the worst (dog/cat businesss, shortage of food, phone numbers ect..) You can't expect everything to go the way as planned. I was supposed to take care of a dog and it ended up being the worst snow storm of the year. By the time i was able to get to the street is was already 1:00pm and i got in the door the dog did it's businesss everywhere, and i had to explain to the homeowner what happenedd. But it wasn't my fault, what could of i had done. So i would offer to pay for it but if she refuses to go ahead and pay then let her. It's not that big of a deal.

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