
Should siblings be in the same grade school class??

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in school my son is having a hard time. his father and step mom have got the teacher to give them his test and let them study it with him so he does better on the test because he knows exactly what is on it. none of the other kids in class are getting this opportunity. is this fair to my son? is he really learning anything by being able to study the test?

i am jsut at a loss... i dont know what to do.... i feel like his dad is just wanting to make things easier and is more concerned about him getting A's and B's and not concerned about what he is actually learning. i feel like they are just being lazy and dont want to work with him and help him become a good student... am i overreacting??? HELP!!!!!!!1




  1. My mother has two children at the age of 10. She had them in the same class and it was horrible. My brother is considered "slow" and my sister is very intelligent. They were in the same class and my brother was always compared to my sister, and it seemed that wasnt right for either one of them. My mother decided not only to never have them in the asme class, but she also chose to hold my brother back and not even put them in the same grades.

  2. i think it would be a good thing for them to be in the same class. Your daughter can help teach your son the things he doesnt understand and help him make friends with her friends. He could still make friends on his own who arent friends with his sister, but he can always rely on his sister and the friends she makes as a group of people to hangout with and talk to if he is feeling lonely. His sister could be a great support for him during school,

  3. Keep them split so they can have a bit of their own lives. The teachers will all probably do close to the same thing so she should still be able to help him, without always feeling obligated to do so. Your concerns are valid - keep them  in separate classes.

  4. No cause i no that if when i were n 5th grade i wouldnt want 2 b with my sibling cause i know he'd b better at me at somthing and i'd get mad.

  5. my friends (they're twins) have been in the same class since 1st grade (we're going into 8th grade now) and they like it because they always have someone that they know, but alot of the teachers have been trying to convince their mother to have them put in different classes (their mother told them and they told me). i don't know if ur son would be hurt by this, but he may like having his sister there.......good luck!

  6. A mother's Intuition is usually right!  I personally think you should not put them in the same class but that's my opinion.  You know your children better than anyone. Trust your instincts; they're right!

  7. No, they shouldn't be in the same class. You are right... it will bring your son down. He needs his own space. he doesn't need to have sis telling you everything that is going on in class. He needs his own class so he has something to talk about that sis doesn't know.

  8. Many schools will not allow siblings to be in the same class. Also if your daughter is highly intelligent the school may want to put her in an advanced class or if you son is severly stuggling then the school may want to put him in a class where he can have more one on one attention. Your children are two seperate people and should be in seperate classes so that there is no sense of competition or rivalry. Since they are both in the fifth grade at the same school they will both be learning the same things at roughly the same time so even though your daughter may not be in the classroom with your son she will still be able to help him because she is doing the same thing in her class.

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