
Should sister shih tzus share a kennel?

by Guest57692  |  earlier

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I have two 3 month old sister shih tzus. We got them when they were 7 weeks old and they have always shared a kennel. Recently I was told it would be best to separate them and give them each their own kennel? Thoughts? We work during the day so except for lunch hour they are in the kennel 830 t0 415 on weekdays.




  1. I would suggest to not do that.  They are very young and if they have an accident, then they both may end up wearing it.  I would suggest having seperate kennels lined with newspaper (while they are still young).  That way they can never try and fight for dominance and end up hurting each other either.  

  2. Personally I think they are being kenneled for way to long.. My suggestion is to gate off an area of the home (such as the kitchen) and doggie proof it instead of kenneling them for so much time out of the day.. As far as getting a second kennel... the dogs need their own space that they can go to get away from everyone.. I really hope you consider gating an area of your home for your pooches... They are small dogs anyways so they can't cause to much destruction :o)

  3. i have a two yr. old shih tzu. don't you just love them. wonderful dogs. anyways, i would keep them together so they don't get lonely. mabye e-mail the dog wisperer and ask him, he has a website and is open to e-mails.

  4. If the kennel is comfortable for the both to stay in then I don't see why you should separate them if they get along. But if the kennel is to small for 2 at that age then yes get another kennel.

  5. I have 2 chihuahuas that are siblings. They have always shared the crate. The seem uncomfortable when separated. We also let them out at noon to go potty.

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