
Should slow drivers who keep a long tailback of cars behind them be fined for inconsiderate driving?

by  |  earlier

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The sort that tempt other drivers out of frustration to do manoevers that are normally wouldn't be neccessary to get around the bottleneck.




  1. no and if you flash them or hurry them they could crash. I often get a tailback after me when I stick to the 20 MPH limit outside schools. to be a good driver you have to consider the other motorists. the slow driver could have a problem with his car (failing alternator will certainly slow you down) or be newly passed and driving within their comfort zones.

  2. Please define what is to slow. doing 70 mph on a motorway is considered to slow by some drivers and doing 35 mph in a 30 mph zone is considered too slow by some

  3. In at least one state (Calif.) they have a five car rule.

    If you are on a two lane road and there are more then five cars behind you, you have an obligation (and legal requirement) to pull off the road and let them by.

    It does not matter if you are doing the legal limit or not, it is the law.

    Also many states have a law about impeding traffic flow, but like the 55 MPH limit in many cities it is just not enforced unless the officer wants to pull you over for a sobriety test.

  4. Yes and it is a realistic possibility. Driving too slowly can certainly be considered inconsiderate driving in the right circumstances.

    A neighbour of mine has been pulled over for driving too slowly. Knowing him I can well believe it as well.

  5. Yeah they should because in reality they could be causing traffic jams, accident, etc.  One time I didn't have a choice driving on of my bosses trucks it was a dodge ram 2500 with a dump on it the problem was the whole back was full of dirt on my way to the dump from a sod job and the steering sucked and still does suck balls in that truck.  I was doing 50 mph in a 55 mph because the steering wheel was pulsing from needing repaired. And I didn't feel to safe driving that fast with 300 pounds of dirt in the back end.

  6. just like speeders

  7. Yes. The highway code says slow traffic should move over to let others pass. "Slow" means "unnecessarily slow". It doesn't mean (for example) lorries keeping to the speed limit.

    One of the basics of good driving is thinking of others.

  8. In many conditions, people should be able to drive at their own safe pace, ensuring others on the road aren't endanger because they're pushing themselves.

    However, if drivers can't keep to a speed limit (yes, a limit thats there to keep things moving, not slow drivers down) - they're not fit to be on the roads, if drivers were to keep to these limits more often - you'd have smooth flowing traffic, less drivers would be wound up or anxious and i'm sure there would be a lot less accidents.

    As with fines.. Should they really fine everything?!

  9. I think they should be shot. Just kidding! I do, however, do not understand why these people are so oblivious they can see an open stretch of road infront of them, doing 10 below the speed limit, and not even notice the long line of cars not being able to get around them. It is quite inconsiderate.

  10. Some countries have a law that says if you are slow (like a farm tractor) you must pull in every mile or so to let everyone go by. You can be fined for not pulling into to the lay bye's provided.

  11. Presumably you mean drivers who are driving within the law and with consideration for others.

    Most of the drivers who try to save a minute by performing stupid manoeuvres, are the sort of people who do nothing with the minute when they've saved it!


  13. people driving slow are doing so for a reason - this could be that there are too many idiots on the road driving like lunatics these days and the only way to keep yourself and you car safe it to drive a little slower than the norm.

  14. Yes, fine them!

  15. Depends why they are driving slowly,really.

    The other day there was something wrong with my car and i had no choice to drive slowly for a while. The guy behind me was not best pleased i could see that.

    Elderly folk tend to drive slowly. We probably will when we get to that age, so why hassle them? How would you like it if an elderly relative of yours was tail-gated/urged to drive faster than they wanted to, by another driver?

    Unless their is an ambulance/fire engine/police car/whatever being held up why can't you guys just chill and get past when you can? Won't hurt to be a little patient and less judgemental-remember you don't know the circumstances of why they are driving slowly.

    I am sure you will now give me a little thumbs down for this-but hey, i am not going to apologise for trying to contribute to a happier, safer world.

  16. Yes.  If you do that on your driving test you can be failed for "driving too slowly for the conditions".

  17. Not unless there is a minimum speed limit on the freeway.

  18. Inconsiderate driving???

    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha.

    I can just hear it now-conversation between two inmates in county jail.  Inmate 1- "Well what are you in for?' Inmate 2- "I'm a repeat offender for inconsiderate driving".

  19. We need camera's to catch law breaking speeding inconsiderate adolescent DANGEROUS TAILGATERS NOW.

  20. d**n right they should. Bloody nuisance.

  21. people going to slow on city streets can be annoying but, i don't think they should get a ticket since it is a city street but, on highways they should get a ticket if they go to slow since i have seen on highways besides the speed limit signs i have also seen signs that has the minumum speed. like a highway may have a speed limit of 55 and the min. might be 40 or 45.

  22. YES! If you aren't going to go the speed limit, get off the road!!!!!!!!!! I'm not saying you have to speed and drive like a crazy person but PLEASE PEOPLE! Can we at least do the speed limit!!!!!

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