
Should smoking a illegal

by  |  earlier

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smoking cigarettes ???




  1. Never happen. Remember prohibition? Want to have mafia types smuggling in cigarettes from China, India or Mexico? Besides that our government takes in way too much money from tobacco taxes.

    They may end up enacting laws against smoking in public like we have against consumption of alcohol in most public places but I can't see our government making tobacco a schedule 1 substance.

    Tobacco has all the qualifications for classification as a schedule 1 substance, it's addictive, has no medical benefits and causes health problems yet it's legal.

  2. Yes because Smokers Litter alot

    DMX is the best

  3. No. As I see it we're on a slippery slope toward fascism as it is.  They slowly but surely steal more and more rights away from us, first it was smoking pot then it was drinking in public, then it was smoking tobacco indoors, and no one complains, next they're going to take away the right to vote, and we'll accept it like the sheep that we are.

  4. absolutely

    but cigarrette is a significant part of our tax revenue

    i don't think i'll be soon banned.

    but by raising taxes on that, we can/may reduce the consumption of cigarrette.

  5. Smoking what? Tobacco? Weed? Crack? You need to specify.  

  6. No

    Its a legal product

    The government even makes a lot of money on it.  Why would they outlaw it ?

    Im more worried about cell phone towers beaming radiation into the air and into people's brains.

  7. Absolutely... no questions should be asked.. smoking should be banned!! smoking doesn't have any health benefits yet it has a lot of harmful effects.. people should stop purchasing and manufacturing tobacco...

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