
Should sneezing be regulated and taxed?

by Guest60042  |  earlier

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a guy just sneezed out loud...not even attempting to cover his mouth, here in the Library...this is why I asked the stupid question.




  1. what the h**l kind of question is that? lol

  2. Stupid questions should be regulated and taxed. Especially on Yahoo Answers.

  3. Big deal, somebody sneezed, what can you do. The staff legally can't throw somebody out for being sick, although if somebody actually sneezes on you then a dirty look and a "could you cover your  mouth please?" would be appropriate.

    What we need are regulations against allowing people to bring screaming babies and noisy toddlers into libraries and ruining everybody's peace and quiet. They really have no need to be there, and a lot of clueless breeders honesty think everybody else has to adore their pwecious widdle crotch droppings.

  4. Don't give the b******s any ideas!!

  5. funny question. i understand what you mean though. i was visiting manhattan and this homeless lady sneezed right on me with no regard. i did not do or say anything but did enter the first store i can to and washed my arm off. yuck.

  6. well that was an easy couple of points thanks.  but if they could, they would tax us not only on sneezing but takin a **** too

  7. Only if you are a Democrat, thats what they do is tax and regulate.

  8. Of course. Haha.

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