
Should social goods and services be provided for, by the individual the business firm or by the government why

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Should social goods and services be provided ,for, by the individua,l the business firm or by the government, why?




  1. I suppose you means public goods (roads, policy, etc). This kind of goods does not give profits so, there is not incentive in be provide by companies, what ever these kind of goods are important for economic activity then must be providen by government.

    If you means social coberture (food tickets, medicare, medicaid, etc); it attent social issues for those which are out of economy: unemployees, invalids, etc.

  2. Social goods and services should be provided for by the "individual"..

    Not the Government and Not Business...

  3. Government, there will still be graft, corruption and waste, but at least there will be good government jobs in the U.S. for some people.  Farming out these jobs mean minimum wage, no benefits and often overseas administration.  Bad for all of us.

  4. Well it depends on which social goods you're talking about.  Say radio waves, well those should probably be private firms....many others are more complicated.  I think everything should be allowed to be private up until the point there are identifiable market failures, at which point the government should be used to plug the holes.

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