
Should society embrace differences or reinforce the sameness in people?

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Should society embrace differences or reinforce the sameness in people?




  1. both of course.... Tolerance and Empathy - they don't have to be mutually exclusive.

  2. We have to reinforce sameness to have a common culture yet the differences are what bind and strengthen us.

  3. Embracing differences in people would seem to be the better choice, because of the value added to the world by people having the freedom to be able to express themselves in a unique way.  

    Sameness is boring and stagnant it seems.  It adds  no beauty to society.  Even emotions of love, sadness, humor, anger are expressed differently by everyone.

    America's strength if built on diversity and differences working in harmony.

  4. Like with anything, the key is balance. People need to embrace their uniqueness so that they can learn to make decisions based on how they feel rather than what others feel. However, we also need to reinforce sameness so that we can find unity.

  5. i think diversity should be embrased in society. if there wasnt diversity in the world everythink would be really boring!!!

  6. Yes.  (Both would be a good thing)

  7. Neither--necessarily.

    Diversity is good for society, but we have placed such a premium on its existence that some people go out of their way to achieve it, thereby making it a false goal.

    True diversity is achieved accidentally when somone "marches to the beat of a different drummer." Searching for the different drummer is not the same as marching accidentally to him when you accidentally discovered him. Searching for him means only that you wish to prove that you can be a benign rebel, and that has no value to society, compared to the march of a real rebel.

    For the same reason, "sameness" has no intrinsic value to society except as it may achieve a specific goal, such as the "sameness" of mind that promotes national values, or the sameness of language that allows for dialogue between various immigrant neighborhoods.

    The "diversity" in having immigrants who fail to learn English in English speaking nations is not an intrinsic value either to the persons or to the nation.

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