
Should society spend money and resources looking for life beyond Earth?

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im doing a group project and we have to figure this out Should society spend money and resources looking for life beyond Earth? we are saying that NO we shouldnt!and were up against another group that say "yes we should" please leave any useful awsers!! ive searched every where and found nothing!!




  1. Yes, we can continually dumb ourselves down until the dumbest is considered as smart as the average Joe.

    We can redistribute our wealth until we are all millionaires...

    Or, we can continue to innovate and continually explore our universe because we know that we will eventually discover hospitable worlds beyond our galaxy and travel there by taking quantum leaps, rather than the currently utilitarian light speed steps.

    It's our choice.

  2. I personally believe it is a huge waste of money and resources. I'm very much into science and I love the idea of going into outer space and exploring but at what costs? There are far too many problems here on earth to deal with I think. Imagine how many hungry children the $billions$ per year could feed, that nasa has budgeted. I think its mostly for military purposes anyway if you ask me. I mean the whole space race was started with russia to see who could "own" space. I just think the money could go a long way with helping the poor, which is my number 1 concern. The government has for a long time, not had their priorities in order. But since when did the rich ever care about the guy that works 2 jobs and still barely has food on the table. Or the guy who can't work at all and has no food on the table, or even a table. The rich, and our government is run by them, are blind to the problems that common people face. So they take taxpayers money and find ludacris things to do with it, rather than trying to solve problems that they can't see anyway.

  3. The assumption is focused on the idea that societies are headed towards a never ending progressive state with everyone within the society given the same freedom's and abilities; the very idea that people are spending money and finite resources toward looking for life beyond earth is terrible. Our own societies are in need of help.

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