
Should someone ride a roller-coaster right after they got stitches on their head? ?

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My sister got stitches on her head today. It's on her forehead but it's not big. We are going to islands of adventure in two days. Do you think its alright if she rides a roller coaster?




  1. ha ha, that is a great question!!!

  2. I would read the signs, and if you are still in doubt ask the people that work the ride when before you get on. I don't think that it would cause any problems though.

  3. What did the doctor say about her activity level?

    It may not be a good idea.  Whenever I have had stitches on my head, the said to severely restrict my activity:

    No bending over.

    No lifting anything over 10 lbs.

    No exercise.

    Nothing to increase my blood pressure.  

    Otherwise it can interfere with the healing and increase the scarring.  My stitches were within my hairline.  I wasn't so careful one of the times and the area reopened after the stitches were removed and now I have a large scar and small bald spot (about 1/4").

    If her doctor said ti limit her activity (no exercise), the increase of her blood pressure when she gets excited may be detrimental to the healing process.

    If it is just one or two stitches and the doctor didn't mention anything about her activity level, I would be careful and not worry so much about the roller coaster unless it bothers her, i.e., she feel pain, pressure, etc. in the area of injury.

  4. I wouldn't. They could open back up.

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