
Should someone who doesn't believe in evolution be a VP candidate?

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I'm very disturbed to hear that Palin doesn't believe in evolution, and believes the world was created in it's totality just 6000 years ago - despite the paleontological record. She also does not believe that humans are responsible for global warming, despite the fact that all major universities and scientists now accept this, and even the Bush whitehouse has acknowledged it.

So - how can someone who essentially shuns all modern science be considered a viable candidate for VP?




  1. hey -- she's a woman, and that's all that matters. women don't need common sense, judgment or intelligence--they have OVARIES--GO SARAH!

  2. I have not been privy to Palin's religious beliefs.  If you have, could you please link us to that information?  

  3. Evolution is one thing, believing earth was created in 7 days is another. Global warming has been proved many, many times. Even McCain believes in it.

  4., Palin will continue the Bush administration policy of NOT believing in science....we will be doomed to be a third world country with that type of mentality and leadership.  

    No how, now way, no McCain OR Palin!  

  5. I must admit I'm fine with her believing the earth is 6000 years old if that gives her some comfort. The problem is that she and other creationists want to ram their wish-fantasy down the throat of everyone else and have the audacity to call it "science."

    And it appears there is another person here who is either intentionally or unintentionally misusing the term "theory" as it relates to science.

  6. Many would prefer someone not believing in evolution to be a VP.

    Evolution is not a science.  It is a hypothesis that has never been proved.

    Evolution claims, random change & natural selection make simple things spontaneously transform into more complex things without recourse to intelligent design. Chance and random changes simply do not produce higher levels of organization & complexity.

  7. evolution is a theory and not scientific fact so why teach both as a fact? Remember they are still searching for the missing link.

    Should a proponent of communism be at the top of the dem. ticket? I think not.

  8. She is a Pat Buchanan in a woman's body

  9. Yes!  Many have shunned God and believe ALMIGHTY science has all the answers!  I welcome that as some very refreshing news myself!  McCain-Palin '08!  Can you say Bi Bi Biden and Obama?  

  10. Good Question. She is the Oil Producer's dream come true.

    Protecting polar bears gets in way of drilling for oil, says governor

    Tim Reid in Washington

    The polar bear should be removed from the endangered species list because its protected status will hamper drilling for oil and gas in Alaska, the state's Republican Governor has demanded.

    Sarah Palin is suing the Bush Administration over its decision last week to place the animal under the protection of the Endangered Species Act, claiming that climate models predicting the continued loss of sea ice - the main habitat of polar bears - are unreliable.

    The lawsuit came as a surprise because most of the outcry after last week's decision came from environmental groups. Although pleased that the Bush Administration had singled out climate change as a reason to place an animal under the protection of the Endangered Species Act, the green lobby were dismayed about restrictions attached to the listing.

    The listing came with a big caveat: that it should not be misused to harm the economy and “set backdoor climate policy”. Some environmentalists also accused the Administration of deliberately delaying the ruling to make it easier for oil companies to finalise $2.7 billion (£ 1.35 billion) in offshore oil leases in the Chukchi Sea, an area that is home to about 20 per cent of the world's polar bears. Numerous lawsuits were threatened by the green lobby.

  11. This is America and everyone has the right to believe as they wish. However, politics and religion should not be mixed so that everyone is able to believe as they wish and not create a religious state as most Muslim states are. We don't think too much of their way of doing politics so why should we try to do it that way ourselves. Having said that, it is her right to believe as she chooses and it is also her right to take part in the American politics.

  12. Please name ONE species that EVER "evolved" into another species, and where is the "scientific proof"?

    Answer:  _____________________

  13. because she has some hot legs

    hope that helps us his that old f**t dies and she beccomes president!!

  14. God forbid someone who believes in God should hold elective office!

  15. It is the THEORY of evolution. I was taught both evolution and creation and was actually given the right to decide for myself, of the two THEORY'S, which one I believed. Of course that was prior to the indoctrination of children and before you lost the right individual thought.

  16. If that person can fulfill the duties of office, their beliefs shouldn't matter. However, most people with those beliefs seem incapable of putting the constitution's separation of church and state over their religious beliefs. And worse they seem to think that attacking the constitution in the name of the bible makes them more patriotic, not less. It's simple really if you have sworn to up hold the constitution you can't though an act of government encourage or suppress any religion or belief, regardless of your own faith. This doesn't mean government officials can't have faith and believe stupid things like the earth/ universe is 6000 years old. It only means that belief can't be enacted as policy. She can believe that pigs fly, she just can't teach it in public school.    

  17. She is running for the VP, not professor of science in some university.

    Evolution is only a theory; there is not any evidence to point out that humans were once amoeba swimming in shallow seas. If you read about Mt. St. Helens, you know that the "paleontological record" is totally inaccurate.

  18. I don't believe in evolution. What does that have to do with anything, I thought we wanted to keep religion and politics seperate>

  19. The statement of shunning all major science is broad and incorrect. If someone believes in creation it does not disqualify them from holding office. I think you just have to be a citizen and a certain age.


    Even some of the most respected misters and reverends in the Christian church say that the Bible's account for how the world was created should be looked at not necessarily scientifically, but more in a creative writing way/metaphorically speaking way.

    HOWEVER, it is a DOWN RIGHT LIE that scientists and major universities say HUMANS are the cause for global warming. YES, these institutions have said that global warming exists, HOWEVER, they have NEVER said humans are the MAIN CAUSE!!!

    ANYONE who claims global warming is due to humans is an idiot/is biased and knows NO facts or just ignores them/ is seriously swayed by the media.

    Humans only contribute to 2% of the green house gases emitted into the atmosphere. Things like volcanic eruptions, methane from cows' p**p, gases released by organisms in the deep sea and in swamps and lakes, etc...  are the MAIN contributor to global warming, NOT HUMANS.

  21. I don't believe in evolution either.

  22. Absolutely

  23. No, she shouldn't have even been on the short list of candidates. Our world is too complicated and intertwined for someone who doesn't understand science and who admits to not knowing anything about Iraq to be second in command to an elderly man like McCain.

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