
Should someone who has four boys be on the computer all the time? :)

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A contact of mine informed of a rather interesting question she came across earlier that I am pretty sure pertains to me since me and this other user had a bit of a fall out yesterday:;_ylt=Asm_t69TzDsmXLU_gIjj4Gp87hR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080805115508AA0PQpD

I may be on and off the computer throughout the day here and there, but I certainly don't live on it. I get on for 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there and for little while when my husband is home as kind of a break from the children and a reconnection with the "outside" world. I think it's funny that this person seems to be so into my business. But anyways, do you think someone who says they have four boys should be online all the time too?

I'm sorry if I seem silly by posting this, but I find the person's question rather amusing.




  1. If her whole argument is that her kids are old enough to not require her attention and she has time to go on yahoo answers all day, shouldn't she get a job or go back to school or something ?  I do this because I have a flexible job and a full time nanny and only go on when I need a break from writing full on proposals and reports.

    If she is reading this, I hope that her next question is "If someone has not enough tasks as a parent and enough time to be on Yahoo Answers all day, should they get a job or an education"

  2. Why does she care? That actually shows who the real idiot is. She's obviously quite bored with her life and decided to live vicariously through internet slander. How exciting! If she needs to rant about the goings on of the parenting section of Yahoo!Answers, perhaps she should get a blog. While you posting back is also kind of silly, I cannot help but agree that this is absolutely ridiculous.  

  3. She's extremely petty.  We're all entitled to a break now and then.  I'm also sure that you're a great mom who spends plenty of time with your kids.  Don't let her get to you.

  4. Ah yes, the lovely Q&A games. It's to bad someone you though of as a friend (or contact) went that far.

    To answer the question - I don't know how they'd even get on the computer with 4 boys, lol. I do most of my answering at night or the wee hours in the morning (when I can't sleep).

    I think  everyones got a different situation and I don't think it means anything negative for someone to be on this site multiple time a day.

    Either way, that's your business and nobody else's.

  5. oh wow!   It is difficult to understand why people want to cause issues (or try to) for others on the net.  If she is upset with you for something, she should take it up with you instead of all of this. The only time a person should be concerned about another's usage of the net is if the children are being neglected or hurt and it is hard to see that being the issue here since she is reporting it on here verses the authorities. Perhaps she just needs to grow up a touch?

  6. She needs to get over herself and get a life.  It's none of her business to know what we do with our day.  Why does anyone need to justify their actions to her?  Is she God?  

    I have 4 kids, 10, 8, 7, and 2 months.  I am currently on maternity leave and recently found YA while my 3 older kids were at their father's house and the baby was sleeping and yes I was on a lot during that time.  My baby sleeps for most of the day hours at a time and when the older kids are gone that is when I get mommy time.  My house is clean, hubby at work, and baby is fed, changed and sleeping. I do not feel bad for spending time on the computer while my baby naps.  My computer stays on most of the time and when I get a chance, I enjoy "surfing the net".  Right now it's 10:41pm and everyone's asleep and I am relaxing having mom time.  If she doesn't like it, too bad for her!!!

    Edit: I agree with wicked mad. She sure is spending a lot of time stalking moms on here instead of spending it with her 4 boys.  She also has a lot of points for this week.

  7. I'm 13, but I'm still sure you're a great mom! I babysit my brothers and sisters (6 of the little rugrats) a lot and when I'm babysitting I'm on and off. For example if they are watching a movie or something and I have a few minutes of nothing to do. Or like they are playing nicely and I'm sitting on my laptop with them, but doing my own thing. Or they are naping/resting. Don't listen to her, she doesn't know what she's talking about.  

  8. People should mind their own business. Who cares what you do in your free time. I go on the computer alot when my kids are sleeping or busy doing other things. It's a way to escape sometimes!! But I wish I could read that question you are talking about but it seems that whoever the asker is---has blocked me. Do you mind if I ask who posted that question?  

  9. I think it's acceptable if you use it in moderations like you said, not all day. Besides you need to keep in touch with people and with what's going on in the world, and there is no better place to do that than the internet. As long as your kids are safe, don't worry about it.

  10. I think you should stop being on yahoo answers if your going to be fighting with other users, and I say that only because its not worth your happiness to let some stupid person who you dont even know, upset you.  The nice thing about a computer is you can shut it off when you want.  Who really cares what this other person says.  She is probably a big fat, greasy haired woman who cant even get out of her chair.  Just laugh about it.

  11. I don't think getting on the computer here and there is a big deal at all. No matter how many children you have. As long as they are being taken care of and you are not shurking your household / homemaker duties, what is the problem? There are some people who seem to "Live" on the computer. I'm sure you are not one of those. Ignore rude people like that. They just want to get under your skin! Don't let 'em!

    ~She must have erased her question, because I tried to see it and it said that it couldn't be viewed at this time.

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