
Should south africa as the most developed in africa trade more with africa or internationaly?

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Should south africa as the most developed in africa trade more with africa or internationaly?




  1. Africa, probably.  That continent needs whatever it can get to avoid imploding.

  2. Trade more internationally, will bring more foreign currency into the country - who cares about the rest of Africa anyway.

  3. It should and I think we are trying to do so. The problem is that some African countries believe that SA would become a mini-America and want to dictate terms - so they prefer to trade mostly with Asian countries. But in the Southern Africa, a trading block - led by SA - is developing well and soon they would have a far more economic influence in the rest of the continent.  

  4. The solidification of a strong commercial union within Africa would, in the long run, be more of a benefit economically to S.A. There is a lot of money in movement in the continent from oil, diamonds, and other commodities especially now with a recent increase of trade with India and China. Africa should strive to economically strengthen itself in light of "new imperialism".  

  5. Charity begins at home, but all members of the 'home' must be productive.

  6. from what i know based on with the rebels.... they should trade more with africa, so the rebels would not be able to trade internationally and compete with their government

  7. South Africa should trade with willing buyers and cheap sellers... be they on the continent or elsewere...

  8. I think we should trade where we would dervive the most benefit, especially in these trying times. However, I know there are political reasons in many cases when it comes to choosing our trading partners...

  9. I think we have closed many doors in the modern world because of our stupid and sometimes idiotic method of doing things here in South Africa. We have flicked our noses at just about all of the G8 countries with the exception of the old communistic blocks countries like China. The new black in South Africa is Yellow. Black African Diamonds straight from China, here to be like a locust, sit feed and fly away.

    As far as Africa is concerned, well, part from oil, what do they have to offer? Ever since their "Colonial Masters" were ousted, they have turned to become beggars and thieves. Africa cannot pay their governmental staff without the funding and donations from the Modern world out there. Africa's leaders have stolen their mother lands coffers dry. With no skill, no honesty and by murdering and plundering if they don't have it their way, who want to do business with them. You cannot do business with someone who you cannot trust!  

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