
Should <span title="I...................................................?">I...........................</span>

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I am about 13 years old and my mom is seriously considering letting me get a tattoo (and she isn't a bad mom) And no I am not one of those stupid teens who want to get a stupid tatt I want to get a tattoo that expresses my heritage (I taake my heritage very serously and I already picked out he design) any ways I was wondering from people who have gotton tattoos to answer a few questions for me.

1.) How much does it hurt (I am getting it on the side of my arm)

2.) What are some cons about getting a tattoo (besides it is there all ur life and going to a second class tattoo parlo+ getting it removed)

3.) How many tattoos do u have (what age did you get them at?)




  1. it depends how much pain you can handle

    there are  no cons but you shuld get it somewhere where its hidden so that when your in the corrpet world they wont judge u.  

  2. What good mother lets her daughter get herself a tattoo at 13. NONE.  

  3. Dont get it on the side of your arm...thats more of a guy thing. Get it on your foot or somewhere cuter not as butch.

  4. i betshes a good mother

    heritage is a very good reason

    ive never had a tattoo so idk if it hurts

    but when you get old it stretches and it gross

    plus you have to get it retouched

  5. 13 and a tatoo????? ARE YOU NUTS???!!!!! thats ridiculous i could understand MAYBE 15 at the youngest not even though........itll fade sooner and get uglier sooner too haha  oh and not too mention you shouldnt gety madand tell people not to judge you asked for our opinions did you not?

  6. The pain side isn&#039;t so bad, and it&#039;s less painful on &quot;meatier&quot; parts of the body than bony, so the foot hurts more than the arm.

    Cons, well, so far I haven&#039;t really had any, but I suppose some people regret having them done.

    I have 5, started at 18.

    I don&#039;t want to sound condescending, but 13 is just a little young. If you&#039;re really serious about getting one, at least wait until you&#039;re 16. Be d**n sure it&#039;s what you want. If you want it that much, you&#039;ll wait for it!

  7. signing for a child to get a tattoo under 16 is considered child abuse.

    and good luck with that.

  8. 1.) How much does it hurt (I am getting it on the side of my arm)

    Well if in that area not too bad it will tickle and be buzzing like. Its a fleshy area so not as much pain pain.

    2.) What are some cons about getting a tattoo (besides it is there all ur life and going to a second class tattoo parlor getting it removed)

    Risk of infection, high risk more then piercings to get aids. It is there permently as you said,a dn your arm is a prominet spot so think of a place on the arm you could hide it for future jobs.

    3.) How many tattoos do u have (what age did you get them at?)

    One, age 16.

    Im afriad i must agree 13 is way to young, wait until 16 at lest when you start thinking of furture jobs and important things in life and see how a tattoo on your arm might affect it, you dont know it but a lot of time people with tattoos are not liked very much for jobs especially.

    Its good you value what you will get but you need to wait a little more to mature. (you may think your mature now but you have no idea of the years to come)

  9. I have never had one on my arm but it depends on how bony you are.

    I would consider the location of the tattoo. Even though you have researched what you want, consider placement. It might hurt you getting a job in the future even though tattoos are more widely accepted then they used to be.

    I have 6 tattoos and I got all of them since I have been in my twenties.

  10. omg! i&#039;m your age! lol well you shouldnt be getting a tatto at this age but i heard it doesnt hurt that bad it just feels like somebody it constantly scratching on your arm. and i would get a smaller tatto not a big one hun! lol best of luck


  11. If you hesitate, it means you don&#039;t really want to do it!

  12. if you are only 13 u really shouldn&#039;t be getting a tattoo and if you mom will let u do that  something has to be wrong with her. I had to wait till i turn 18 just to get my tongue pierced. Don&#039;t do that u really gonna regret it i have a lot of friends that got their tattoos done when they were really young and now they really regret it. Think about it again.

    Btw. it hurts a lot  3 days ago i went with my friend he said that is really hurts. My sister had 3 tattoos and she said that it hurts. I don&#039;t think that you are ready to go through that.

  13. Not ONE respectable tattoo artist would ink a 13 year old.  You are too young, and your business of &quot;I&#039;m not going to get  stupid tattoo&quot; is full of c**p.  You have no clue how much your views will change in the next 10, 20, 30 years.  Oh sure, roll your eyes now, but if in that amount of time you still hold the same &#039;values&#039; as you did at 13....WOW.

    As for your Mom, she is a total douchebag.  No self-respecting parent would do that.  Great role model.

  14. I know it might seem really cool to get a tattoo, but believe me, if you really want one THAT badly, you should wait until you are at least a little older.

    When you have tattoos at a young age, it makes you look really cheap, which obviously isn&#039;t a good thing :/

    Also, I&#039;m not even sure that a reputable place would even give someone so young as you a tattoo.

    You should really think this over some more. Are you seriously going to get a tattoo at age 13? It&#039;s going to be there your WHOLE life. If you really take your heritage seriously, you should find another way to express that.

  15. There are many very good reasons for you not to get a tattoo until you are 18. There are many good reasons why a licensed reputable tattooist won&#039;t touch you.

    Knowing this, should make you at least curious to find out what they are.

    Getting a tattoo because you think that you are mature and your IQ is high, doesn&#039;t mean anything.

    You are not mature by definition. You are not mature in body, mind, and life. If you are so smart, then why would you disregard knowledge, wisdom, and experience?

    Why did you come on here? Not because you are sure of what you are doing. I think that you want us to treat you for what you are... immature, intellegent, 13, and willful, but not smart.

    Research this site,

    and research this link:

    Come back on here when you grow up.

  16. I have 13 tats. Yes it hurts I can only explain it as an annoying and sometimes firm scratching sensation it isnt too bad if you dont think about it or allow yourself to be scared befored getting it done. Make positively sure that the artist is credible there are so really bad hacks out there just making a buck look at his own work or his or hers book of pictures of the work they have done you can usually find this info on the net if the shop you go to is credible enough to have a site. like I said I have 13 tats I started getting them at age 35. here is some advice the fleshy area on the inside of the arm hurts more then the muscular shoulder area. Good Luck and have fun.

  17. d**n! you are so lucky that your mom would let you get a tatt when your 13 :/ im only 13 too so i dont know how much it would hurt, but its pretty bad from what ive seen/heard

    sorry i wasnt much help..good luck

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