
Should sport and politics be kept separate?

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Should the olympics be boycotted due to China's poor human rights record and Tibet situation? Should Cricket be used to make a political statement about Zimbabwe? Should sport simpler be about sport and not used as a political tool? What do you think?




  1. It can't be.  If you send people to another country with your country's flag on their chests, politics are already involved.  It's a fallacy to think you can separate sport and politics. Any dictatorship will use the compliance of other nations in its games as a propaganda tool.  Hitler did it in 1936; China are doing it now.

  2. they should, to bad they aren't.

  3. I think anything and everything should be kept separate from politics...

  4. How simplistic would that be? Not possible. We should not be having the Olympic games in a country which represses not just its' own people but also those of Tibet! The chinese do not share the same values as we do in the west and being truthful is something they avoid, they prefer not to tell you a lie in case thy are caught out - untrustworthy.

    One million people in their armed services? - watch this space!

  5. Governements put so much money into these things that they wanttheri say. hence wether we like it or not politics is in.

    How to get it out. Don't accept government grants and assistence.

    "Yer 'as yer choice so takes yer pick"      

  6. Yes, sports and politics should be kept separate. If the Olympics were to be boycotted then it should have been done back when Beijing was first awarded it. It is a little late now when we are just approaching the beginning of the Olympics. I hope that China and the UK kick *** on the medals front lol.  

  7. Why? This theory is just an excuse that lets greedy, preening, self centered athletes with an excuse to avoid doing what is right, in this case boycotting this miserable event.

    People have lost homes and been imprisoned in order that the games can proceed and appear to put China's goverrnment in a good light.

    This is the year the so-called Olympic ideal died of shame and I for one don't give a fig who wins what, every athlete, every competitor, by being there is a disgrace to humanity.,

  8. Yes

  9. ABSOLUTELY......................

  10. Always.....Also countrys should take a long look at their own policys before passing judgement on others.

  11. Definitely!

  12. yes of course, but the extremists will not see it that way and never will unfortunately  

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