
Should standard marriage and divorce laws be done away with ? Some women want hypenated names, some men want?

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open marriages, some women need child support after a break up, others do not. Do you feel every couple should be able to write up their own marriage and divorce contracts ?




  1. If you look at feminist action, not feminist words, you quickly learn that they will lobby for whatever laws take power/money away from men.

  2. That is a delicious thought. But ball busting b*****s do not like pre nuptual agreements. I would be inclined to think that any agreement which doesn't involve monetary gains for the woman in case of separation would not be too attractive to 'equality' seeking feminazis.

    So in the absence of government intervention (wishful- maybe 200 years later in a more progressive world), the only kind of marriage contract  which would be equivalent to the current marriage laws - which are so heavily biased towards women, would be between ball busting feminazis and men who like to be p***y whipped.

  3. ummm... have a pre wedding divorce plan.  Sure lawyers will want to get into this.

    Sounds like an idea.  how would they plan for things like lost of income, increased income, more kids, second homes etc.

    Assuming the couple is together longer then 5 years..a lot can change.  

    Course my romantic side is really hating this...the whole worry/plan for divorce while planning a wedding.  Just seems wrong.

  4. Yes yes yes Cassius we get it already! YOU DON'T LIKE MARRIAGE. There's no more need to emphasize that. Most people do, so if you don't like you personally don't have to . Ok?

  5. I'm sorry but , even though i have changed my stance with regard to feminist and anti-feminist and the fact that both should try to work together to come to a end to all the BS propaganda they both created. i still do not believe in marriage and see it as nothing but a tool that will end up bad for me and at worse a failed investment for her that she has to now cash in. just the way i see it and it is hard not to because i went through it.

  6. I find the whole idea to be heartbreaking.....

    Edit: Cassius,  I was referring to the standard marriage and divorce laws as heartbreaking  (I am sorry I was unclear.)

    I think they are a one size fits all solution and one party  is certain to be left out in the cold.  If couples could come to a fair agreement your solution could work, but it would need continuous modification and may not be as practical.

  7. I suppose that's what we've come to, since marriage is treated as a disposable commodity - just like paper plates.

  8. Well, in theory, yes.  However, by nature most divorces aren't so cut and dried.  There is often quite a lot of anger, and that leads to trying to take th b*tch/b@stard for all they can get- regardless of what the other person may need, or what they have contributed, or even the needs of children involved.  So while 'personalised' divorce contracts may seem a good idea, I don't think they would work.

    The problem I see with pre-nups is that you are planning for a divorce- as if marriage is disposable!  I think you should enter marriage with your eyes wide open, but still planning to be together til death do you part.  I know that simply isn't possible in a lot of cases- but you should still try.  How many marriages would have succeeded if they had only stuck at it, or communicated more?

    I don't think you need to have personalised marriage contracts, the parties involved can work that out on their own without lawyers- as to open marriages, hyphenated names, who will be homemaker/breadwinner, division of duties, etc.  The standard marriage laws should apply, and if you want something further, then organise it yourself.

  9. Yes, that would make things much easier for everyone.

  10. There is only one way to Save Marriage. It will be highly unpopular with Lawyers, Therapists, Judges, and Politicians. And that is to make it a private contract, subject to Contract Law. Remove the Government from the relationship including Spousal Maintenance and Child Support. Women will choose Men more carefully based on their Character.

    The ability of one gender to prey upon the other with Government Assistance will end. Take marriage back to a Private Relationship with the Government only as a mediator. Not an Enforcer of laws enacted by Feminists to punish Men.

    That is the only way to save it. On that basis g**s, Bis, Transgendered folks can enter into a Contract as well. Marriage has been primarily for the purpose of raising children in a stable Home. And has instead been bastardized into a Government enforced one sided Adhesion Contract. Where Women have rights and protections, and Men have obligations and Responsibilities with Prison awaiting if they don't comply.

    On this basis no Sane Man should Marry now in America, nor Cohabitate. And should only agree to Cohabitation when a Cohabitation Agreement is in place. Men should not even have s*x with a Woman without a Consent for s*x Agreement being executed as protection against False Abuse allegations. There are such consent forms available.

    Women are destroying Romance. Clumsy Seduction is now Rape Per Se. And Women are to blame for this. They have reduced s*x to a Business Transaction. So be it. Let them live with the conseqences.

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