
Should state legislature or state courts compel the governor to engage in GHG emissions reductions policymakin

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Separation of powers works to keep the powers of the branches of government in check at both the federal and state levels. In Texas, Governor Rick Perry has been a vocal critic of climate change advocates, despite the fact that Texas is the nation's leading GHG emitter. Though the legislature has expressed more interest in addressing climate politics, there is a conflict between branches of state government.

Prompt: Should the state legislature or the state courts compel the governor to engage in GHG emissions reductions policymaking? What is the reasoning behind your response?




  1. I am not sure how the Texas constitution is structured, but unless the Texas legislature has mandated something that the governor is not doing, the state courts would not have any power to intervene.  Any requirements would have to come from the legislature.  Once the legislature has set requirements, the courts can intervene if the governor doesn't obey them.

  2. YES

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