
Should step mothers get more of a say

by Guest63768  |  earlier

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i have another question but this one if different

we are going for custody of our daughter (my step daughter)

and strage things have gone down.. to change sercumstances

but when it comes to mediation (part of custody) im not included

i have been here longer than the real mother she walked out when the bub was only 6 months

and i have been there sicne she was 15 months

and im not included in it what so ever...

is my partner doing it(leaving me out of it) or is this what it is like everywhere???




  1. your partner has no controll over the custody hearings less the mediator request to speak with you legally you are not able to voice your your thoughts or truths...unfortunetlly your voice according to the law doesn't count if not asked for by that mediator.sad but step moms and step dads  have no say inless they legally adopt the child....some step parents i know can't even pick there child[step child] up from school with or with out permission from there spouse...because of some of our's a long hard road being a good step parent...I'm glad you love your baby enough to stand up for her.....i hope you partner knows how blessed they are to have someone that loves there baby that much...Step parents that are standing up and doing the right thing should abosultly have more say...M

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