
Should strawberry's be put in the refrigerator as soon as they are brought home???

by  |  earlier

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or are they okay left out. I think in the frigurator they loose all the flavor




  1. yes, don't wash them until you are ready to eat them.

  2. i love going out to my srawberry patch and just munch right from the vine they are so juicy and sweet yeah cold takes a lot of flaver away

  3. Either way is fine.  Don't rinse them until you eat them and eat within 2 days.  They grow mold very quickly.

  4. When you put strawberries in the fridge, they start to break down.  You can wash them and cut them up and put them in the fridge with some sugar if you want to eat them that way, and they'll keep for 2-3 days, but if you just want them fresh you should store them on the counter with the stems on.  But you still have to eat them within a day or so.  If they are touching each other, those spots will spoil faster too.

  5. cover them and cool asap

  6. I am in Las Vegas. Although we keep the house cooled, our air has very little humidity. We put all fruits and fresh vegetables in the refrigerator immediately so they will keep longer. Left out they spoil very quickly.

  7. you dont have

    the only reason i put fruit in my frig is so it could be cold

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  8. I take a few out when I get home.

    Leave it out for a while

    Then I put it in the fridge like a day later so yea :)

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