
Should supplements be spread out throughout the day?

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I recently started on a battery of supplements, including a multi-vitamin, magnesium/zinc/calcium, ascorbic acid powder, niacin, saw palmetto, gingko biloba, and a few others.

Is there anything wrong with taking them all at once? Or does the body get overloaded on supplements--would it be better to break them up into groups for morning and night?




  1. I'm no doctor or anything, but considering that it's actually possible to overdose on vitamins and such, I would take it slow and steady throughout the day instead of one big shot all at once.

  2. doesnt sound to good for your livers.

    i hear 1gram of protein for every lb of muscle is orthodox

  3. i honestly am not sure on that, but this is what i was told about supplements. when they are in your body they go through and its like a river that flows, your body grabs what it can from them on there way out. so if doesnt "stay" in your body like you would think. you may want to take some thoughout the day to not get too much at once. your stomach may hurt also with that many at a time.  

  4. Just want to share with you the negative side of taking vitamin yourself without consulting your doctor. I had that exprience before. I brought vitamin C over the counter, which most people said it is good to prevent cold. After a few months taking Vitamin C, I felt my ankles of my last fingers swollen up. Doctor got me having sectional scanning my bones. Later I was informed that the excessive Vitamin, which could not be absorbed by my body, accumulated around the ankles. This caused the problem.

  5. I think it's better to split them up so your vitamin levels remain constant during the day. I cut my multivitamin in half and take it in the morning and in the evening.

    Try spacing them out so you aren't overloaded just at one point in the day.  

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