
Should taking part in an orgy be a reason to exclude you from a leading motor sports organisation?

by  |  earlier

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Clearly, the fact that your father was a leading British fascist shouldn't.




  1. If thats his choice what harm is doing it isnt as if it has any adverse effect on his job.

  2. To me that is a personal choice.  If someone enjoys doing it, it should have nothing to do with anyone else except the individual's family.

  3. Yes, kick him out, dirty little man.

  4. No, it shouldn't. Its not like he test drives a w***e around the Monaco G.P. circuit is it? And as for his dad being a fascist why should that prevent him from doing his job either? Should the sins of the father be visited on the child?

  5. Haven't people got better things to do than worry about a complete stranger's s*x life?  

    Let him carry on ...

  6. What people get up to in their own time as long as it's with other consenting adult's should be no-one else's business.

  7. A great job,& orgies as well?

    I'm jealous,so fire

  8. They haven't if you are talking about Mosley, i heard that nothing was going to be done about it. Though quite why his wife would stand by him is a different matter.

    He has kept his job, its on the news.

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