
Should talking on a cell phone while driving be illegal?

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Should talking on a cell phone while driving be illegal?




  1. In many states, it's illegal to talk on a hand-held cell phone while driving. I don't think it should be illegal all together. Especially since police vehicles and tractor trailers use their radios while driving.

  2. Do not let experience be your best teacher.

  3. Yes! I for one am tried of dodging them morons drinking coffee and ratchet jawing on a cell phone stuck between their head and shoulder while "TRYING" to drive in a straight line let alone taking a turn. The ones with the Bucktooth's are OK.

    Oh, I have to mention, I once saw a guy trying to place a call while driving a motorcycle and wearing a full face helmet, that was fun to watch.

  4. it will be soon!

  5. Yes, there are too many people on the roads that cannot even drive while not talking on a cell phone - giving them cell phones to talk on makes it even worse.

    Just look out on the roads - most of the people messing up, are talking on cell phones.

    And then there are soccer moms... even worse...

  6. If you have to hold the cell phone in your hand to hold next to your ear, which means only one hand on the steering wheel, definitely should be illegal.  Using an ear phone type of aid is the way around this.  I've had too many drivers holding a phone in one hand and not two hands on the steering wheel and they fail (can't handle the turn with one hand) to make a complete right or left turn when going into a side street or parking space.  The worst cases are those that try to text message while driving.

  7. Yes, yes, yes and another yes.

  8. Depends.  if you're on a hands free it's less of a problem, but it will still affect your concentration to some degree - if you've got one hand on your phone, that probably means you've only got one hand on the wheel (and subsequently no hands on the wheel if you're changing gear!).  which is bad.  And if you've got both hands on the wheel, then you've probably got the phone cradled between your shoulder and your tilted head, meaning you're not looking straight ahead and some of your concentration is on not dropping your phone.

    I'm always amazed at some drivers who chat away on their phones while driving, with passengers in the car.  In spite of the fact that what they're doing is illegal, would it not be easier for their passenger to talk and relay important information?!

  9. No, being a Bad/Stupid driver should be.

    That's how you stop cell phones from being used while driving.

  10. not only YES,but h**l YES!! I have a sign in the back window of my van......"drive now!! Talk  later!!. I see people talking on the phone while trying to drive a manual transmission,truck drivers with their phone  at their ear and trying to drive thru traffic.its scary  what you see on the road and how badly people dont pay attention while driving.

  11. in many states it already is. Which is funny because being able to talk on the phone is more illegal than eating a pizza while stearing with your leg. Go figure...LOL...

  12. There have been at least 4 independent studies conducted. Each one has shown that talking on a cell phone is at least 10% more dangerous than driving while legally intoxicated. Handheld or hands-free, the danger showed to be the same. We need to either make drunk driving legal, or talking on a cell phone illegal. It's more distracting than changing CDs, yelling at children, and talking to a person who is inside the car with you.

  13. I'm amazed its not already elsewhere - over here in Australia, its an automatic $140 fine!

    So it should be, too!

  14. Yes and Yes......................

    In December 2004 cell phone use could be faulted in 18 percent of the auto accidents in the United States each year.

    In the past three years, cell phone usage has been an issue in several lawsuits, and employers are being held responsible if a worker causes an accident while talking on the phone.

  15. Considering the number of people that can't drive when not talking on a cell phone, my only answer is

    h**l YES.

  16. In the UK speaking on a handheld Cell (or mobile as we call them) is illegal. You can use a handsfree phone if one is fitted.

    It's a good idea, drivers using a handheld phone are more likely to have an accident.


    Cell phone, text messaging, drinking coffee, eating snacks, lady doing makeover while driving with one hand should be illegal. Cell phones should be only used during EMERGENCY PURPOSE Only.

    Most people with that doesn't pay attention to road much.

    NY recently instroduce TEXT MESSAGING IS NOW ILLEGAL due to teenager was involved in accident because that teenager was text message while driving.

  18. Yes.

  19. YES!

    There are so many deaths, so many close calls, so many everything.

  20. illegal or not,use your common of my friends was seated on a wheelchair for the rest of his life because someone who`s stupid enough was talking on the phone while i ask you,should killing people on the road be legal?.....................don`t tell me that it all depends on whose driving `coz even michael schumacher or juan pablo montoya gets wrecked once their concentration is distracted.

  21. Yes, you should be required to have a hands-free kit or pull over.  There is no call so important that it can't wait for you to pull on the shoulder of the road.

  22. some states it is illegal to talk while driving a vehicle. lots of people cant drive and talk at the same time so it becomes very dangerous.

  23. I definitely think it should be illegal.  I'm actually preparing a Persuasive Speech on this subject right now for my college Speech class.  You would not believe some of the stories I've read so far about the car accidents directly caused by someone talking on their cell phone while driving.  Some of the innocent victims have even been young children.  Here's one story I just read that I couldn't get over:

    A 28-year-old Indianapolis man was talking on his cell phone while driving and ran through a stop sign. A dump truck broad-sided his car, killing him instantly. Further police investigation showed that he was talking to the manager of a funeral home to make arrangements for his brother who had been killed the day before while he was driving and talking on his cell phone. The brother had run through a traffic light and a city bus broad sided him.

    Unbelievable!  We all need to learn to just HANG UP & DRIVE!!!

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