
Should teacher or student allowed to carry them own gun?

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I think just stupid, it could be better if they just hired more security or installed camera or installed like a alarm button behind the teacher desk to alert the security and law enforcement.




  1. Everyone should carry guns.

  2. no no no and no with different tolerance levels, short fuses and a bunch of other stuff i am too tired to mention.  No No No  A teacher gives a bad grade, a kid steps on another kid shoe, he looked at her wrong it goes on and on so NO!

  3. if they can own one.well i would say yes.

  4. High School Students cannot legally own a gun because they are not old enough to own one.

    With respect to high school teachers, we already permit police to carry guns once they have had the proper training.

    When police officers are on school grounds they carry their guns.

    As long as the high school teacher is willing to under go the training at a police academy and become a sworn Police Officer I see no reason why not.

    With the security situation at many schools I would say that the teachers need to be sworn police officers.


  5. if some little snot pulls a gun on a teacher or another classmate the teacher should be able to defend themselves or the student.  if some nut comes on campus to do students or others harm the teachers should be able to protect themselves and their students.  

    under 18 cannot carry guns, that's ok i guess.  after that whatever the law allows.

  6. h**l NOOOO!!!!!!

  7. How is a security guard going to guard an entire school?  How are 100 security guards going to guard an entire school?  How is a camera going to guard a school?  How is an alarm button going to guard a school?

    Although not directly related, let me refresh you on what the U.S. Supreme Court ruled:  "Police do NOT have a responsibility to protect individual citizens."  That means YOU have to protect yourself.

    Students and teachers of legal age should be allowed to carry.

    And, we already know that bad things can and do happen to good people all over the world everyday.  Some bad people with guns, some with knives, some with blunt force objects, some as a gang, attack good people everyday.  If you live your life HOPING that you are safe, I HOPE you are near me when you're in danger.  Don't worry, I will protect you.

  8. Your information is faulty. The correct question should be: Should a teacher with a concealed handgun license and proper training be allowed to carry at school.

    The answer to this question is absolute yes. However, the school board must make the determinination if this action is warranted. Since it is obvious that your question is prompted by the fact that Harrold ISD has decided to allow their faculty, once trained, to carry a concealed handgun on campus.

    Your comment that you "think just stupid", shows you are ill informed about what is required to have a CHL in TX and that you have no clue who a first responder truly is. Get some education please before you show yourself to be truly ignorant.



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