
Should teachers be compensated financially for teaching two grades in one classroom?

by Guest32488  |  earlier

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This is a private school




  1. If they don't like it then they could always find a new position.

  2. Teachers should be paid more period!! They deal with alot of kids with problems at home or at school!!  

  3. I taught combo classes for two years, and yes, it takes more prep so you should be paid more.  I also taught a 3 grade combo for a little while (4th, 5th, and 6th with 31 kids) but didn't get a cent more.

  4. I would agree with that.  When I had a 3rd/4th split I had to teach 2 math lessons and two science lessons.  I was running back and forth to each group like a crazy person.  It's a lot of work especially when you aren't allowed to combine the grade levels to teach 1 general curriculum in the classroom.  The sad part of a split like this is that there was not much time to spend 1 on 1 with students.  The students that year missed out on a lot of support they could have received had I been able to combine the 3rd and 4th grade curriculum into 1 curriculum.  Despite whether teachers should get extra compensation is not as important as what is beneficial for the students we are working with.

  5. No:

    If I spend eight hours teaching 9th grade...

    or I spend eight hours teaching 10th grade...

    or I spend eight hours teaching a combined 9th/10th grade...

    during which of those did I work more than eight hours?

    Most teaching jobs pay by the hour or on a salary.  Teachers that want to earn commissions based on some variable that is not hours worked should go sell real estate or used cars.

    Just my opinion.  I've never understood why some teachers bring up this argument.  Teachers don't normally get paid on a production scale or by commission.  Of course, anyone that thinks teachers don't make enough or that they work too many hours should consider another career.

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