
Should technology be allowed to advance so that the cloning of people is possible?

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Why or why not? I just want to know because I am uncertain and I want to know other peoples opinions.




  1. In every country  in the world it is illegal to clone humans but if you can clone a human embryo then you can use it's from it (e.g. Stem Cells) which leads to cures for almost all dieases and it makes it possible to grow whole organs for people who need them with no chance of rejection if it is cloned from them. However if a rouge scientist did clone a human then most people don't know what would be the effect. So you have to clone a full human to csee all the effects.

    I think it should be allowed to a certain level, but you should not be able to grow a full clone just clone organs or stem cells or anything that can help someone who is ill.

  2. that would be so weird if people started cloning themselves but yeah I think it should go and advance but you should need some type of license or permission to do it......

  3. what possible reason would anyone have for cloning people? i'm all for stem cell research and things like that, but to actually create fully developed clones of people serves absolutely no purpose other than exploitation and serving scientific curiosity. we have enough people getting unwanted pregnancies so creating life in a laboratory seems like overkill. who wants a son or daughter that is exactly like them anyway? and who would want a son or daughter exactly like someone else? other than that, what would you do with a clone? harvest its organs?

  4. yes that way the world will have one more of me, cant live without this s**y body

  5. NO NO NO!!! And i will tell you why. In the bible it says "God created man". It never once said man created man. Man should not be able to create man because because its just sick. How would you like to know that your friends arent even "alive". This is from websters dictionary having."Life : not dead or inanimate." Well being a clone is most of the times of a dead person. And if your already dead then there is no life. And think about it, my mom use to say "think of every in the world and your the only one". Well if your a clone you cant say that to them. And would it be fair to make a clone of Peyton Manning and know a perfect clone was owning you in football.

  6. There is no limitations posed on advancement of technology - only those that involves crossing human experimentation & those can destroy humanity in the process which government closely monitored or controlled. Cloning is done already to animals.To humans however, it posed significant risk and unknown outcome which violating the right of human being which the global community strongly tried to defend for decades.

  7. naw i dont think we should do that for some reason it seem like a bad idea

  8. Problem with technology is that for every up there is a down. E=mc2 gives us nuclear energy and nuclear bombs.  Someone will always find a way to corrupt it.

  9. yes.thay could be used as labrats for desease cures....i know it's cruel but there are a lot of deseases without cure...

  10. There is enough people in this world that lack the basic necessities of life.  Why do we need to clone people?

  11. Technology should be allowed to advance much further than that. The question is wether that technology shouls be used to clone humans.

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