
Should teenage cases be highlited in media or not?

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  1. i think no

    since  it is just like making their parents situation more worst

    showing absurd things which may be not even true bout them(kids) just for sake of TRP.

    it's a big shame if govt doesn't take a step ahead

    above answere how could u count them which are not even adult n not even matured enough

    it's not kids mistake it is the mistake of society and parents

    for not givin proper time to their child

    or of giving as much independency which let them take as much big step which later turns in accidents

  2. Its not completely wrong highlighting such cases but it is done only when everything is proved and the news which is being shown is complete full proof story.. not like the recent case of AARUSHI.. the INDIA tv was so irresponsible in the issue...but the highlighting of case helps ... like this case only... it was handed over to CBI only bcos of d pressure frm media... so i think it is good but with some sense of responsibility..

  3. Well yeah, they're obviously people too. If they did something wrong (I'm not sure what cases you're talking about specifically) then they should be treated like adults in all cases.

  4. Highlighting such cases is not bad. All want to know the story.

  5. why should not ..??? teenagers is not a part of society.???

  6. no

    they should protect kids

    and it would stirr up alot of trouble

  7. If it requires then can be highlighted, otherwise teenagers will be simply blamed.

  8. Yes, but with great responsibility and not like media was go berserk in the case of Aarushi murder case and involved in character assissination of two slained persons as well a lot of other people.

  9. no

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