
Should teenagers aged 12- 17 be treated like adults when they commit crimes?

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Should teenagers aged 12- 17 be treated like adults when they commit crimes?




  1. Why? I'm not going to say they should be treated like adults. But their consequences should be a little bit more harsh, depending the crime.

  2. yes totally, plus i get blamed for everything, and its always my fault!!!!!!

  3. If they act like adults, and do adult crimes, then they should be tried as adults and do time in adult prisons!

  4. i think its more important for the parents to take care of things like that. I went illegal driving with my friends and we were caught by the cops and the only thing they did to me (cause i wasnt driving) was bring me home to my parents which was worse then any punishment the police could give me. I'll never do anything stupid like that again

  5. Depends on the crime.

  6. no because of hermone levels they cannot be as rational as adults. they will do something and have llittle kowledge that its wrong and bad and that they shouldnt do it. they cant have the same consequnces for something they cant control very well.

  7. YES

    I am 15 and the things teenagers do are horrendous. TREAT THEM LIKE ADULTS!

  8. No, never. You cannot treat a child like an adult, when they blatantly aren't.

    No matter that they may know what is right and wrong in a very basic sense, they lack the emotional self control and judgement that an adult has and even a teenager can lack awareness for the consequences of things they do.

  9. No i believe that from 12-15 they shouldnt be treated as adults they are not mature enough to understand what they have done, but that doesnt mean that they shouldnt receive a punishment. They should be punishment but not to the extreme like the Adults. Now from 16+ yes, they are probably well-aware of their actions and old enough to understand the consequences, they should be punished with the harshness that adults do.

  10. Depends on the crime & charges.

    But from 12-17 you should know whats right & wrong. Unless you are in a bad condition/disablity (example: severe autism)

    It really depends though.

    xox- Julie

  11. they know that they are doing so yes they should know right from wrong and start being treated like adults more or they will get away with it for being defencless childeren

    please help;...

  12. I'm pretty sure that pnce your 10 years old that your charged as an adult. And if your uestion was to make sense it should be


  13. depends not really... some people come from broken homes, abuse,, all that junk and sometimes when are they that you they dont understand whats really going on. and right from wrong sorry to say....

  14. Depends on the crime, the number of offenses, etc.

    Edit: I volunteer for youth court.  Kids, no matter whether from a broken or intact home, know better.  If a 16 yr old from a broken home kills someone, he shouldn't be slapped on the wrist for a year or two and then allowed to go free.

  15. No.  Numerous studies have shown that the part of the brain that controls impulses is not fully developed in teenagers.   That being said, don't mess with my family or my stuff or I may change my mind.

  16. My dear Hailey....

    I am "wondering", why you'd ask such a question ??? That's a very sensitive issue...-and- out of experience, I would say, that prison is definately NO place for "teenagers" due to the fact, that they get exposed to soooo many REAL criminals, which is not "furthering" them at all !!! Besides, jail is a place where they aquire even "more" illegal things, they would not be exposed to "on the outside" !!!

    I believe, it's much more sensable to teach young people how to PREVENT them from "getting in trouble", making them aware of ..."the consequences", etc. - I saw a report on TV where they took "juveniles" (who got in conflict with "the law") into prison for : ONE DAY in order to talk to the real "bad guys", who serve a "life-sentence"....Such an experience will "scare-them-off" & probably will PREVENT them from getting involved !!! I always think : PREVENTION  is much better than just "throwing young adults" into prison !!! Such a "criminal record" will mess-up their future perspective, which is : NO GOOD !!!

    Wishing you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany... Annette***

  17. First off, 12 - 17 is a VERY large age gap, and the mental development of teenagers 12 and then 17 different.

    Second, it depends on the crime

    and then in most cases (murders of heinous natures/premeditated or sociopathic tendency would be different),

    i dont believe they should be tried as adults because juvenile prison is about rehabilitation and trying to change their life for the better as well as punishment  while adult prison is just about keeping the dangerous off our streets and i guess punishment but there is not rehabilitation, and often small crime prisoners exit as drug addicts and will go out and commit worse crime as they have gained the know how from the time they were inside. Once in an adult prison it take alot of willpower and want to change yourself.

  18. i say yes most of the time but it depends on the crime

  19. yes-yes-yes-yes-yes

  20. depends on the crime

  21. No.

    I think teenagers are just big kids trying to act like adults.

  22. yes definitely yes it could scare them enough to stop braking the law when they get older

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