
Should teenagers pay attention to global news???why?

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Should teenagers pay attention to global news???why?




  1. yes! to minimize their brains of thinking s*x, fashion and being popular.

    they are the ones who will succeed and become the leaders of our countries in the future.

  2. Absolutely...everyone should be paying attention to the global news, including teenagers and school age children (age appropriate of course).  I used to work in TV news at a small market station in Oregon, so I have precious little patience with those who don't even try to know what's going on in the world. I want to throttle people who tell me I don't watch the news or read a newspaper. To me, there's simply no excuse for ignorance of current events in this day and age of cable TV and the Internet.  

    Far too often we get too self-absorbed and don't expand their horizons beyond either school/work, fashions or what's happening with celebrities.  Mind you I like fluff as much as anyone else, but to me that's like eating cake and ice cream everyday and ignoring one's meat and vegetables...and it makes our brains soft and lazy.

    Anectdote:  When my then 15 year old daughter was acting up a lot, I had to ground her for it.  Well, as part of her discipline when I was  "grounding" her, I made her watch CNN International Hour each day for a WEEK, and each day she had to write and give me an essay paragraph outlining what was discussed on the show and how it impacted people.  I knew what was happening on the show because I, too, watched the show from work so I'd know if she was bluffing or not.  My point? to show her that there are people in other parts of the world who are far worse off than she is, and she should be grateful that she lives in a country that is considered one of the richest in the world.  At first, she was very angry about it and didn't see the point of watching all that "depressing" stuff...but she's now 25, a mom herself, and almost more of a newshound than I am lol.

  3. They are the future leaders and so they must be well informed as to what is going on in the world. Otherwise they fall prey to propaganda and get confused. For example , would u like them to believe that 9/ 11 was a conspiracy hatched by Bush?

  4. its a h**l of a task some don't know the British isle is infact and island

  5. yup, it should be taught in school, along with crime and retiribution classes

  6. Yes, we learn from our mistakes, so history doesn't repeat itself, ect...

    Mostly because kids today aren't that bright, I knew a girl, couple of years ago, fresh out of highschool, didn't know what communism was!

  7. It is most imperative that teenagers pay attention to global news.  In a few years, they were aspire to seats of power, replacing the previous generation, and if they don't understand what is happening in the world, it will crash.  Starting to learn about issues as soon as possible is also important, because as time passes, the events changes.  For them to be fully informed on the events, it is best that they watch the progression to understand the events fully.  Teenagers are the next voters, candidates, politicians, teachers, ambassadors, and everything in between.  They need to know now so they can do later.

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