
Should teens be given more rights???

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Lately, I have noticed(im in high school btw) that kids and teens have been getting a bad reputation lately. Many adults, I know this from experience so dont say "Oh your just a retarded kid" or whatever..., anyway, many adults dont see us kids and teens as deep or smart or anything that could be involved in adult things.

It kind of bugs me. Like, they expect us to be perfect children, halos on our heads, never do anything bad. When in have s*x, drugs, etc in your schools. Yea...they have also said to me, in quote, sorta.... "Your not mature enough"

And also, the smart part, how adults think teens and kids cant think for themselves or something. My parents dont think I should be able to have any kind of a private life or anything. That totally makes me my whole life revolves around them or something. Its called a private life for a reason...its supposed to be private to that person.

So I guess what I am why DONT teens get more rights? Why arnt we seen as intelligent or we cant handle some things at such a young age??? If any teens out there want to agree that would be great! We are just as capable as them if not better at handeling things in our new world?




  1. Here's the thing..  You may be physically ready but you aren't quite emotionally there yet.  Some people never grow up emotionally but I can tell you from experience -because I have it, that the older you get, the wiser.  So, the reason you don't have more responsibility is because you have enough on your plate as it is.  Here is some wholesome advise...  Tell your parents that you want to go out and get a job (in addition to being in High School) and you'll pay your own insurance, lunch money, buy your own clothes, pay your medical bills, etc..  You see where I'm going with this.  You are a dependent which leaves you dependent on your parent thus keeping you with limited responsibility.  Enjoy it.  I know you need to vent because your parents are trying to keep you in line while you finish up your final days under their wings.  -The more you fight it the harder it will be.  Show them how mature you are by making GREAT decisions and not having them need to nag you to do what you are expected to do.  Thank them for caring.. Some kids don't have it as good as you.  -Their parents let them do whatever they want and they NEVER mature into a responsible adult.

  2. You have several questions here.

    First paragraph: You may feel misunderstood. But the fact is that teens don't always understand adults, because you haven't been there yet. It is exciting when a teen does try to understand an adult rather than relying on peers.

    Paragraph 2: They expect the best, but don't seem to know how to teach it.

    Paragraph 3: You are right that teachers don't have high enough expectations for you. I know for a fact that if you were given college level material to study, you would struggle but love it in the end.

    You have no private life from your parents, because you are an adult in training. Your parents want to live your life together with you. As you prove what your character is, they will give you a chance to make some of your own decisions. That is what families are for. And this is why I home school my daughter.

    Paragraph 4: There is nothing new under the sun. Teachers don't teach because they are lazy or they are politically constrained by the teacher's union or the ACLU. Kids are intelligent. But what is wrong with with thinking things through together with adults?

  3. Teens have too many rights, privilages and get away with too much already.  You're lucky you didn't go to my high school back when I was in school in the 80's.  They were much more strict than most schools are now.  

    You teens these days get treated like little kids because most of you act like bratty little kids.

  4. I totally agree. I'm 16 and have been asking myself the same question for the past 8/9 years.

    I'm actually pretty lucky when it comes to my parents, I'm adopted, but i have 4 other  brothers and i'm the oldest so my parents trust me. They still drive into my social life and sometimes kick up a fuss about who i'm going out with or what time i'm planning on getting back. But for the most part they treat me like an adult.  

    I'm afraid we are judged by the behavior of the minority of teens that do stupid stunts, like drug taking or vandalism. Many people like to think we are all like that, well news flash for them, we don't all do that. Are they telling me they were like that to when they were young because everyone else was? I don't think so.

  5. When YOU'RE the parent, you'll understand, but probably not until then. God knows I'd give anything to have my hindsight as a 40 year old mom when I was a 14 year old rebel who thought I knew everything and couldn't wait to grow up.....You probably have no idea how your parents think about you 24/7 or worry about you, or how their stomachs churn when they read the newspapers or hear stories about how children your own age "disappeared" or were brutalized and murdered or were killed in accidents, for fear that it could be you.  

  6. Yeah, most teenagers are morons.  Seriously, every time I see a picture of a teen girl in a bikini with the caption "dont i luk sexii?", I'm reminded of why teens get a bad rap.  It's because the majority of highschool students are ignorant, unintelligent, immature, uniformed idiots.  That's not to say that there aren't a good amount of intelligent, educated teenagers in our schools.  Unfortunately, the bad overpowers the good.  So teens are left with the reputation of being stupid, drunken, party-going morons.

    Oh, and FYI...I'm a sophomore in highschool.

  7. Part of maturity or 'being able to handle things' comes from LIFE EXPERIENCE.  You can't get that any way other than going through things.  Teens, in general, have VERY little life experience.  This isn't something that you can be given, you have to earn it.  Adults, parents specifically, try to control you because they are trying to shield you from the pitfalls and mistakes that exist in the world.  This is both a good and bad thing.  It is good because there are in fact protecting you whether you realize it or not.  It is bad because the only way you will learn is to make those mistakes for yourself.  The trick is to prepare and protect, and even control, you just enough and then let you go to become your own person.  On top of all that, every person is different.  What works in terms of raising one teen fails completely with another.

  8. Dude, I totally agree with you!!!!!!!!

    I know how you feel!

    And to answer your question, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  9. Well, this coming from a teen, I must say there are many many teens who aren't sophisticated or deep, and I must be on the side of the adults there.

    However, it's true that teenagers are also often underestimated. And also, it is completely unfair for someone to expect that anyone must revolve around them. (Though I haven't noticed that myself)

    I think the situation does not have to do with rights, but with mindset. (A lot of) Adults must learn that we're not all the same, and that some of us are indeed intelligent. Likewise, we need to do the same.

  10. The thing is, although MOST teens are very intelligent and "deep", this is not enough to be considered equals to adults. Heck, even some adults aren't equal to adults.

    Teens tend to be more impulsive without out much regards to consequences. It's just the way humans develop.

    Simply saying you are capable does not necessarily mean you really are.

    I can get into all the studies that back this up, but here's one article:

  11. I am an adult, and I don't like to be stereotyped.  This "adults against kids" mentality is not mature thinking, which is what you want to be seen as.  

    As an adult, I don't like seeing anyone, kids or adults, doing "bad" things.  s*x and drugs are everywhere, not just in school.  If you can't stand on your convictions you aren't "handling" yourself well at all.  I used to tell my kids that if they want the same rights they have to accept the burden.  Make responsible decisions, accept responsibility for your actions, communicate logically, not emotionally, and earn your way in the world.  If I'm totally responsible for all your wants and whims and you have to be ridden to help out at home, that isn't maturity and I won't treat you as a mature young adult.

    Walk it like you talk it and you'll get respect.

    Voting?  There are a number of young people I wish could vote!  I think there should be a standard little questionnaire to see if a voter understands basic government and the issues.  If they pass, they can vote.  If they are clueless, I don't care HOW old they are, they have no business voting.

    There are many teens who have used their voices and made a difference in their communities, states, countries...I wouldn't want to believe they are exceptions.

  12. What rights do you want that you don't have?

    Obviously, you CAN go out and have s*x and do drugs if you want. You technically don't have the "right", but it's pretty easy to bypass that. As long as you aren't stupid about it you won't get caught.

    You think that adults don't take you seriously enough to involve you in "adult things". What adult things are you talking about? If you're talking about drugs and s*x, like I said before, you do have access to those things if you really want them.

    I think you're stereotyping all adults. Some of them are pretty cool. I have adult siblings who supply me with marijuana and a place to have parties. Nothing wrong with adults... don't hate on them if you don't want them to "not involve" you. =/

    Maybe you should specify which rights you are looking for, then I could give you a better answer...

    One more thing: don't forget to enjoy your life at every stage. You'll be an adult soon enough, then you'll be sad you were so negative about your teenage years. =)



    Okay, dude. I don't know why I care enough to respond to your edits, but here I go:

    So, you're interested in politics. You want to have a say in the country's fate. That's all well and good. Here are some things you can do to get involved in politics RIGHT NOW:

    - Use the internet to find your local Young Democrats / Republicans / Libertarians / Green Party / Constitutionalists / Whatever club - join it! Get involved in local protests and start writing letters to your senators and governors. No minimum age for that.

    - Join Debate Team or Speech team at your high school. You get to discuss politics and influence other people's opinions.

    - Read, read, read! Read all about politics and current events. The more you know, the more qualified you'll be to make decisions for the country!

    - Start looking at future careers and if you feel you are mature enough, get on a career path early. Start looking for internships that could help you later in your career.

    - Find an online forum that specializes in current events and politics. Y!A is good but a specific political discussion forum is better.

    - Set a petition at your school to lower the voting age to 16 or 14 or whatever you feel it should be. Who knows what might happen?

    - Most of all... enjoy yourself and figure out what you enjoy! If you find an area of politics that you love, environmental policy for example, delve into it!

    Okay... I hope you read that and I hope I helped you! Good luck in your life. =)

  13. Let's see if we gave teens adult rights most of them will vote for Paris Hilton as president of USA, not that the other candidates are much better.

    It would be just totally weird!  

  14. Yah I'm a teen too, but we're still kids. Belive me I want independence too! I want to drive at 16 when i was SUPPOUSED to but it got bumped to 18. It's just that a majority of us are dumbasses. Let's just face it. They're the ones that sneak out at night and end up getting raped, they're the ones who drink, they're the ones who sniff drugs, they're the ones that drive recklessly and they're the ones who think they're king **** and try going in the subway train tracks....they all end up DEAD. So, the adults of our society made laws and regulations that will restrain our majority untill we become "of age" and if we don't clean our act up soon, its just going to get worse, and worse and worse. Us "good" (yes we do misbehave but not extremely) kids have to pay what the "bad" ones has done as a whole. Thank the dumb shyts that got hurt.  

  15. i totally get what you're saying. i get that a lot too "you're just a stupid kid"  & "You're not mature enough" but honestly a good number of those "mature" adults go out and party all night not thinking about work the next day.

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