
Should teens be punished for smoking?

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I was just wondering what some of your views are.

The age range of these children in question is "10-17"

Do you think that the issues should be handled by the parents or in court?




  1. not really it would be the parents or school who have to take care of the kids ,and make sure that their safe,

  2. By both.

  3. With a judicial system such as America's, parents no longer have any rights. While I don't agree with preteens smoking, and I believe that parents who let their preteens smoke on a regular basis ought to be neutered and spayed, it's up to the parents. The court's try to sound like they care about things other than statistics on how many people they can fit into a jail, but they don't. It's not the court's or governments right to protect us from ourselves; seat belt laws, helmet laws, etc... It hasn't happened yet but, in the near future, ALL Americans born will be fingerprinted, implanted with a chip and have their DNA collected at birth no matter what the parents say and if the parents don't like it and protest, the courts/gov will simply say that the parents are bad and they don't care about their kids.

  4. teens shouldnt be punished if the parents smoke

  5. just by the parents. but i say if they wanna smoke let em smoke. my dad bought me cigs when was 16

  6. Kids/ teens should not smoke and yes it should be both

  7. parents cuz a court doesnt know your kids but u should still punish them as hard as u can cuz its a dirty and unhealthy outfit.

  8. No, smoking is extremely petty in comparison to other things my friends do. Why should parents push their children onto the courts? What is the court going to do?!

  9. well teens really shouldn't smoke but  yes and no for lots of reasons

  10. i think that from 10-15 it should be left to the parents. if the parents are "cool" enough to let their "loved" ones smoke @ such a young age they will soon pay the price. i don't think the punished one should be the child but the parent. when you have a kid it means that you are ready to be responsible (or @ least you think) if you didn't want the poor soul in the 1st place their is always abortion (can't afford?) there is always adoption. and yes its harsh but i rather see kids in places like this and later to be adopted by caring parents that for the poor child to suffer all his years with a parent that doesn't like him. its up to the parent's to let their children know that smoking is bad. that smoking can kill you faster than what their divine "god" kills them. i think that after 15 teenagers should be let to make their own decisions. they are mature enough to understand and if they aren't its their parent's fault. children take on the life of their parent. if they parent is a good citizen chances are he/she will be a good citizen 2. so to summarize,  i think that all decisions should be left to parents. parenting is a big part of life. and not everyone can handle it. but life is more than being able to provide the everyday food for their children. parenting is teaching your children whats wright and whats wrong. my parents have always showed me the best way and they still are. and i know some people might see me as a "momma's boy" or whatever i know that in the future all the things my parent's taught me will pay off. that in the future i will not be embarrassed to say who my parents are and how good of a job they did parenting and caring for me.


    17! :]

  11. I would say no, since I was caught smoking when I was 14.But, I'm not the person to judge, it's the parents who are to decide whether the child should be punished or not.

    I really hope this helps:)

  12. the issues should be handled by both

    honestly im a teen but still its a gross habit that has

    wrecked a many lives and somebody needs to be tougher.

    i know everyone is aware of the damage they do to themselves

    but they have to stop thinking about THEMSELVES and

    think about what effect its doing to everyone/thing else!

  13. not really, but they should DEFINITELY be educated about the risks.  if i had a child that was smoking, i would force them to sit through some type of "education" about the risks of smoking.  When people are educated on certain health risks, they will usually act accordingly, but you cannot force someone not to do something.

  14. Just the parents!

    I think it's a personal decision. I'm not supporting kid-smokers, but if they want to risk their own health then let them, they'll have to suffer the consequences later in life and you can sit back and say " I told you so" We all no kids hate it when their parents are right.

    And anyway you cant honestly tell me you didnt do anything illegal or have s*x in highschool.

    But by any means punish them!

  15. Both.  Smoking has no benefits.  It does have detriment to a child's health and development.  Parents have a responsibility to protect their child's health.

    Society, on the other hand, has an interest not only in protecting the welfare of its children, but also in preventing smoking due to its economic and social costs to society, and is therefore quite appropriate in passing laws in that regard.

  16. well lets see against the law and unhealthy maybe both court and parents but for sure parents

  17. yes

  18. I don't believe so.

    I know that when I smoked it was in rebellion to make my mom mad.

    and when she didn't get mad I quit.

  19. i dont think that parents should allow them toin the parents home, if they get into it there isnt a way to stop them  

  20. its definitely bad for a 10 year old to be smoking.

    i say parents but the kids will most likely not listen unless they are strict on their punishment..

  21. I don't think they should be punished, but just disciplined. When they are punished, they are just not allowed to continue smoking. But what happens when the punishment  is over? Back to getting lung cancer. But if they are disciplined and told all of the bad effects, then they will know. For me, it depends wether it should be in court or by the parents. If it is smoking cigarettes, then parents. Weed or anything else Court.

  22. Parents. What's court going to help anything? they need to really understand the mistake they've made, not just be punished for it.

  23. It depends on the kids.  Have they been in trouble or on probation in the past?  What is their relationship with their parents and family?

    It first should be handled with the parents and the parents will then decide what is best.

  24. well it depends, if the parent catches them doing it then they should be the one to punish them.

    But if they are caught smoking at school or something, the principal could have the authorities involved.

  25. Parents.  It could seriously hurt the child's chances of getting into colleges or high schools and getting a job.

  26. I'd like to see the courts handle it. This doesn't excuse the parents from disciplining their child, but if you could end up in juvie I bet kids would think twice about smoking.

  27. People can learn from mistakes without legal action. Sometimes teens are lured into these habits by mistake. Peer pressure is a very powerful force that is very hard to resist. Talking about these issues beforehand can minimize questions regarding a situation where others are participating in harmful activities.

  28. I think the court should handle it because it's against the law.

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