
Should terrorists who are caught in this country have the same rights as US citizens.?

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I want your opinion, not what someone else said about it.




  1. If they are citizens of this country, they must be granted legal rights afforded to them by our Constitution and its interpretation.

    If they are not citizens, they must be treated according to the guidelines already laid out under the Geneva Conventions.

  2. NO!   They are animals and should be treated like animals.

    Have you notice that the Muslims never have "live" prisoners to exchange with Israel?  Maybe Israel should opt for the Muslim way of handling prisoners.

  3. The only right they should have is the right to be tortured, maimed, abused and desecrated until they are no longer useful. After that they should have the right to a slow and extremely agonizing death

  4. I say release them to the crowd and see what happens.  

  5. No because obviously they are not U.S. citizens. They shouldn't get free rides or breaks and should be punished to the highest extent of the law.

  6. I have always maintained that in order to deserve human rights, one must, at a minimum, act human.

  7. I think everyone should be treated fairly and equally under our legal system.

    We are a proud nation of rights and laws, which is the basis of our country.

  8. no.

  9. a terrorist, here or abroad should have no rights.  

  10. If they are here illegally? I don't think so. But if we let them in on visas and made a mistake by not properly checking that they were, I don't think so, unless our own laws or international laws that we agreed to adhere to specifically state we have to treat them as citizens, then it's our obligation to obey that law.

  11. my less we have to worry about.  

  12. Yes, for two reasons. First is the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Since you can't state with 100% conviction that someone is a terrorist until they have been found guilty by a court of law, then it would not be right to deprive someone of their rights just on the basis of an accusation.

    Second, and probably more important, is that the Constitution provides that rights are not just for citizens. The Fourteenth Amendment says:

    "...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

    Note that it does not say "deprive any CITIZEN," it says person. Thus, if you are within the US, whether you are a citizen or not, whether you are here legally or not, you are under the jurisdiction of the state you are in, and are thus entitled to the same protections as anyone else.

  13. Republicans deserve the same protections under the law. So, Yes

  14. No why should they be treated as equal if they're murderers. the nation should punish them for what they did and send them back to where they came from.  

  15. Agreed! Torture them make them VANISH! They've harmed our country and disrespected us.  

  16. people who treat others as animals should likewise be treated as animals

  17. no not at all!they should be punished severely!

  18. h**l NO!

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