
Should th United Nations be expanded?

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Should th United Nations be expanded?




  1. No - they should be disbanded, ideally and at the very least kick them out of our country and stop providing them with 25% of their entire budget.

  2. The United Nations organization was created precisely as an instrument to unite all nations.  There are still a lot of nations who are not members and therefore it should be expanded until indeed all nations are members of one organization.  while it is true that the UN has not really succeeded in uniting all nations or in bringing about peace, let's not forget that it is not the fault alone of the organization but also of its members which because of selfish national interests have failed to really discharge 100% their commitments as members.  But it has not all been failures.  The UN and its many sub organizations has many projects which have in one way or another helped the peoples of the world especially those in need.  It has played important roles in efforts to bring about world peace.  Lets support it and not denigrate its efforts.

  3. The United Nations became a Useless Nothing. Why would you expand it? Disband it or reform it!

  4. look at the lead news on yahoo, U.N. cant do anything,

    they are a worthless organization now full of corruption.

  5. I think they have it right.. disbanded or contracted and moved out of the US... to say Kabul.

  6. Yes, the UN should be expanded.  It is a very necessary organization where the world can come to think & develop alternate solutions to war.

  7. No, they're already a bloated useless entity chewing up millions of dollars a year and a lot of it is wasted and stolen.  

    A terrorist organization does something and all the UN does is, "The United Nations has critisized the event."  Ooooh, that ought to make a blood-thirsty backwards terrorist shake in his boots.

  8. h**l no!  The UN should be tossed into the East River and kicked out of the United States.  We should drop out of the organization and stop paying for it.  The United Nations is corrupt and worthless.

  9. What do you mean by expanded? That the Security Council should add new members? That the council should add more permanent members? That the General Assembly should have its powers expanded (right now, it has none -- it's just a discussion forum)? That there should be more UN agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, WFP, UNIFEM, etc.) or that these should receive more money in order to expand their work?

    When you say "United Nations", you need to be more clear about what it is you really mean.

  10. No. It should be abolish forever.

    My 2 cents.

  11. The word is "disbanded."

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