
Should thatcher have State funeral,the first since Churchill ?

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  1. In my opinion, yes she should.  People seem only to focus on the complete mess she made of the Poll Tax and none of the good things she did, like take away the might of the Unions therefore stopping us being known throughout Europe as workshy.  It felt as though someone was head of the country who knew what they were doing,  and that hasn't happened since the Conservatives stabbed her in the back.  I can't see Gordon Brown being given a state funeral, can you, honestly now.

  2. The funny bit is the Queen will be in attendance, the sad bit is the fears there won't be enough troops to line the streets.

    How long do they plan to be in Afghanistan or is Maggie finally on her way out?

    If her son turns up will he be arrested, there is an International warrant out on him.

    Personally I think it would be a mistake. Maggie is genuinely hated by a significant part of our society and some loon will organise a protest or attempt to disrupt the ceremony.

    Bottom line is Margaret Thatcher isn't a National hero so why waste the tax payers money.

  3. no

  4. I think that would be very very unwise. That anyone considers that evil witch in the same way as Churchill offends me very deeply.

    Luckily there are millions who feel the same way as I do so yeah let it go ahead...should make very good telly.

  5. Yes!

  6. This question is bound give extreme polarised views. You either loved her ........or hated her. So whatever the outcome - we just have to respect other peoples views.

    Like Tony Blair, she was elected 3 times by the electorate. If you can't accept that, you can't accept democracy.

    I won't campaign either way. There are far more important issues in the country and in the world.

  7. I didn't know she was dead.

  8. No she shouldn,t, and the people who think she should, should be made to pay for it, it should not come from the taxes paid by miners and many other working class people who she made life h**l for, while her less than hard working criminal son was making millions that nobody knew where from, why not make him pay for it?

  9. I have no doubt that a decision like this was always going to be supported by some and opposed by others.

    However Mrs Thatcher was the first female prime minister we have had  in the UK and even if you didn't agree with her policies she was always honest about her stance on the situation. She worked wonders with the finances of the country and is the only PM to ever balance the books.

    Love her or hate her it has to be agreed that she had a big impact on this country and politics.On top of this she was elected for a record period of time.

    This has cross party support and that of the Queen so I think that it will go ahead no matter what Joe Public says.

  10. Rather than having a funeral paid for by the state wouldn't it be more fitting if it were privatised?

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