
Should the 'male dominated' society encourage women into p**n and other sexual freedoms ..? ?

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.. as feminists suggest and implore? Or should the society discourage women away from p**n and stop trivializing s*x in young women again.. as feminist suggest?

Which would (most) feminists desire 'male dominated' society to do?




  1. I'm not sure I'm able to answer this question (as I'm not sure I understand it), but I do want to say this.

    Women should be able to enjoy p**n just like anyone else.  And we shouldn't be made to feel guilty about it from the conservatives OR the feminists.  s*x is awesome.  Women who get paid to have s*x that I would never (or could never) go through with, are awesome.  And if I want to sit back and watch (or perform), I should be allowed with the support of my women sisters.

  2. p**n is not sexual freedom. Its the marketing machine and you should never think that those poor girls will be happy about their exposure in ten year or the rest of their lives

  3. as with anything, it is up to the individual.

  4. Most feminists are divided on the issue, in my opinion.  

  5. Haha, I'm waiting to see what they decide as well. Whatever it ultimately is, I'm sure men will be labeled the antagonists.

  6. I don't think most who go into the industry need much encouragement. I would imagine nothing is more than encouraging than the paycheck.

    You suggest specifics that are personal in nature. Whether someone has s*x in front of a camera is up to the individual, and whether to rent, buy or even visit the store by which you can purchase these items is up to the individual.

    I would hope that people would stay out of everyone else's s*x lives. As long as it doesn't harm anyone physically or effect someone underage, it's not my business or anyone else's.

    As for what is right, I think the point is not to dehumanize women - don't just look at women as s*x objects - while encouraging them to explore their needs and wants when it comes to s*x.

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